27-11-21 Pain of loss, Realms of existence, Anubis etc

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Transcript Date: 27th November 2021

Pain of loss and the realms around us

Life can be tempered with pain, and much sorrow is brought to those loved ones who are left behind within their physical life. But as always, all should know that life continues on in a pattern not recognisable by you at this time, yet it exists beyond the realm of life.

Our thoughts are as yours, with love and wishes for those that we have left behind. Our sorrow and pain are eased by the light that surrounds us, and the love that comforts us and cossets us. We can only share this love in your thoughts and in your memories.

The patterns of life are many, they vary from one extreme to another and your world is not the exception, but the rule, for it is commonplace among the heavens.

As the being of man, you cannot understand the realm that surrounds you, penetrating your very being and the soil beneath your feet. It is one of love, one of creation and re-creation, and as we set these patterns of life and of spirit, they intermingle in a complex equation that cannot be understood by those men of science.

Yet those of true faith and who have courage to look, will see these things as the truth. No matter what you are told, your faith will stay strong.

We speak of loved ones this evening and we bless you for your tolerance and understanding. There are many who would wish to know of their loved ones who have passed from your world to this. There are those of you who are able to reconnect with those souls, but there are still many who regard this as a popular pastime, a form of entertainment not to be taken seriously. Yet the mysteries of the universe are wide and varied, your planet is but one of many that exist with various forms of life. Some have intelligent species, whilst others are of pure nature and existence.

You cannot deny this, for it is the truth. The burden of this knowledge will become apparent within the future as man becomes more reckless with himself and his home, that which you call the earth.

Judgement is needed, judgement of a good heart and mind to alter these events that may be written. It will take a wise man to see the error of your ways and it will take a wiser man blessed with courage to change these events.

The union of man

You are a union, the union of man. The power of the mind is great, it may take you to many places, so unexpected that you will be filled with amazement. We have told you it takes focus to travel the astral planes. You may see these things within your mind and you may dismiss them as daydreams, perhaps illusions, yet the true understanding is missed. You should open your eyes, for the truth exists within each and every one of you.

Your time upon earth is limited and during this time you may learn many things of the humankind and the natural world around you. There are many lessons to be learnt, many tragedies to unfold, we speak of these things many times to remind you that all things have one thing in common, and that is the spirit of life, even the most inanimate of objects has an energy within.

You are complex beings, a creation of long ago. You were given intelligence, but still, you do not see the purpose of your being. You must awaken your mind and broaden your horizons to allow in the thoughts of things that may seem of fantasy, yet are fact.

Reasons for life

The chrysalis of life begins in many different ways and your minds may not comprehend the reasons for life or its existence. For the most it just is, and that is all they need to know, but they miss so much. We have taught you of these things and we will persist in a time to come, to help you understand these teachings. Do not be afraid of us, for we are you, but in a different form. Together we can make a difference to the future of the human species. Apart, we will be divided and fall. It is in your best interests to start to see each other as an equal, not just each human, but each creature in the creation of the world. You may say that we have heard these words already, and we will repeat these words many times until it is understood.

New speaker

The symbol of the cat

I see the symbol of the cat, a symbol of protection.

It was millennia ago that the cat was held in high esteem and regarded as a symbol of protection, and in that time of Egypt, the pharaohs ruled with an iron fist, but equally their judgement was just. Their time was great and long ago, and marked within the sands of the earth. Their greatness was heard throughout the world at that time and even today your archaeologists find more and more discoveries of those times, but not releasing their findings, for they understand that this was a great race of beings ruled by those of other worlds, of other nations.

Their technology was great and greatly misunderstood today. Their reasoning was that of a human, yet their minds were manipulated and controlled to allow them to understand who they were. The prophets of that time understood many things of the afterlife and the spirit that lay beyond.


Anubis was one who was greatly worshipped as the god of the underworld, and he was given much respect. But what was the underworld? Was it that of which the stories tell where evil lay, or is there a world beneath your feet as yet undiscovered?

May we tantalise you with the thought that perhaps creatures of this underworld interacted with that of the living being upon the surface, and those from the sky also helped in many ways.

Their literature has been hidden well, for prying eyes should not understand the race that they were. Would you believe that much of your technology of today was gleaned from this information that is hidden away in scrolls, in dark places beneath your earth, not to be seen by the common man, not to be understood as the truth, because you are blinkered by what they tell you.

They know of the power of the mind, and the Egyptian people used this well. It was taught to them, and yet now is lost, for the weakness of the human mind and the human animal forsake these many teachings.

Many hieroglyphs were written, many scrolls were etched within the souls of these beings of that time, and those that they prayed to and worshipped were of another world with miraculous skills and abilities to control with thought, the minds of others and of mind over matter.

Many have speculated upon the creations and wonders that they have left behind, but no one has told you the truth as yet, for they are a race of beings that exist beyond your earth now. Did they originate from another place? No, the peoples of Egypt were of the earth, but their leaders were of the Sun, another solar system as you would understand it today.

Do not be afraid to open your minds and allow in a thought that perhaps not all things that are seen are not as you are told. The knowledge is there and exists to this day, the wise will understand these words and their hearts and minds are open to the blindfolds that are pulled over your eyes of these things that at the time they seemed miraculous, but the beings that taught the Egyptians and the humans of that time were of another place beyond your stars. You could say another dimension, and we have spoken of these dimensions before, how numerous they are and how you exist within the same space and time.

You may wonder how these beings would have travelled to these places beyond their own spectrum, how they may have travelled to your earth, these are things of technological advancement, yet the power of the mind has a great deal to do with it. Can you project your mind to another place, another time? Can you see beyond your flesh to a world or a place far away? Indeed, you visit these places often within your sleep and they are dreams to you, yet do they not feel so real in those few seconds that you dream of these places?

You do not have to take our word for it, just open your hearts and minds to understand that you are not unique. There have been many, many civilisations before yours. They have left no trace, but a few.

Do not accept the stories told to you of previous civilisations and the coexistence of other worlds. Know that there is truth in all that is spoken, yet many things are twisted, so that the truth cannot be ascertained without the evidence.

Anubis was a man of great power, his being was of your earth, yet his mind and spirit was of another place. Beyond this, we feel you may not understand. And this man fears to speak of these things, but there is much learning to be gained by the words. You know of the one Creator, the one you call God and this is the truth as was spoken by his son. They were of another place and exist to this day as spirit, and you may invite them into your heart and soul to bring you peace in your lives.

So much has gone before you, before your civilisation, and there is so much to come for things and events continually evolve. Never fear change, for change will refresh the men of your earth. Never fear us who speak through your mind, who guide you, do not dismiss us as a figment of the imagination, do not betray our thoughts in your altered states by doing the opposite to our teachings.

We are constantly with you throughout your lives, bringing you purpose and guidance, we tell you of other civilisations, for there are many in existence, perhaps you will experience many of these and your memories will linger for a time and then fade like the autumn leaf, but you will be reborn in the spring of life, renewed with vigour and energy.

Message about Anna Marie Croxson

She remarks this evening about the things of his (Jesus) life, her prayers are heard and her questions will be answered. She sits at home, thinking about many things of the past and present. As she writes her thoughts are heard and we give her wisdom to speak in a language that she understands, and we speak to each and every one of you in this way, in a language that you will understand of your world and of your time.

Time has come for us to go, we will speak more, but for this evening we bring you and wish you peace in your lives.