04-06-23 Message of Love and Compromise, Cycle of Life, Meditation etc

Transcript Date: 4th June 2023

Loving Hearts, Open Minds and Learning Through Meditation

To all of humanity we would like to say this, that although your lives are hectic and your thoughts are many, spare a thought for those who can no longer be with you and send them your love through your heartfelt messages and your belief systems, for we know there is good within the world and that those who would cause harm and anguish are truly in the minority and cannot succeed within the light and love of those who truly care.

To these people who wish nothing more than peace and love to others, we send you our love and a greeting to help you through your lives. Never be ashamed to say that you are a part of the communion of spirit, and that your love and all your worldly goods pale into insignificance when it comes to the matter of spirit, and to that of the Lord.

We have sent many messages, in the past and in the present through those such as yourself, who bid us welcome and wish to communicate the love of spirit to the world. Never be ashamed of your place in the world and the ability that you display through the words given.

To those who aspire to become the same, we say this, do not give up, have belief and trust in us and the wisdom will be given in due course. It is through trust and love that your actions will show and shine like the stars in the sky, for like the stars in the sky, your souls shine a brilliance that is visible throughout the heavens, and we acknowledge your existence and your love.

To compromise, is to be blessed with a loving heart and open mind. There are many within your world who would compromise with others who would bring them strife. It is through this practice that the trust of each other will be gained and the knowledge will spread, the knowledge being that of love and consideration for others.

There are many who wish to hear words from those of other worlds, and they fantasise about what it would be like to encounter such beings within their life; or even to just take a glimpse at the possibilities beyond your present existence. We acknowledge their thoughts with love, expressing our love to them in the best way we can. Your knowledge of these things is limited at this time, and there is purpose in this, for you are the children of your race and you have yet to mature to begin the practice of ‘growing up’ and overcoming your many obstacles.

It is a process of learning and growing; a process of compromise and love; a process of living your lives in harmony that will bring this maturity to the fore, you know this to be true. And although you may say that you are an intellectual and that you have much knowledge of many things within your life, if you do not understand or have knowledge of spirit, and the beings of other worlds, then truly you have much more to learn, and much more to gain.

Through the practice of meditation, as we have spoken of before, this may be achieved. It’s a matter of you taking time out, even just a walk through the countryside of your world, to listen to the trickling water of the stream and the birds that sing, to listen to the nature of the world, the wind that blows through the trees, the sounds of the planet as you perceive them, these are the things that will bring you focus. We will not let you fall, we will not discourage you in these actions, for we embrace you all with a heart of love. Don’t forget, it is up to you to bring yourselves maturity through your actions and thoughtfulness for others.

We have spoken of the word ‘compromise’ this evening, and you may well understand the word in several ways, some will not compromise their position in life for the sake of others, whilst others will compromise in an argument and say that they are just as much at fault for the situation that has arisen. You cannot deny yourselves an open mind and heart, and you cannot deny yourself the love that is sent through the words of spirit, or the words of the gospel, as written by John 16:4.

(John 16:4. “But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you”.
Channels note; If you read into the context of this verse you will understand that it is a warning from Jesus to his disciples saying that even though Jesus and God are with them, teaching the Gospels to the world will ultimately lead to their deaths as they will not be liked, and they will be cast aside and condemned for their beliefs and convictions.
As a race of humans at this time, we have yet to learn to compromise with each other to make a better world, and those that cry out for justice and equality will be condemned by the authorities at this present time.)

You must apply your mind and your soul to these practices of love, and the compromise of maybe sharing a life with someone else, feeling compassion for them and helping them through their times of problems and troubles. It is not difficult to allow these things to flow, it is not hard to open your mind and your spirit and soul to that of the heavens above.

Leading a horse to water . . . assisting those who do not wish to listen

She sits this evening and wonders how it is that life has passed her by, or seemingly has passed her by. And she cannot understand how it is that her words never seem to fulfil others that she may converse with? She reaches out to those in need and helps them in the way that she can, and the only way possible to her knowledge. But there are many other ways to reach out to those in need, and if they do not understand the words that you speak, then a practice of showing them by example. We will be there to assist, and like many of your world who feel they are denied our assistance, we assure you that we are close by, always.

In life you may take a tumble and you may experience extreme circumstances whereby you cannot imagine another way of resolving your problems. Through the peace of your mind, and the connection of spirit, your problems and issues of the world can be eased and your troubles lessened.

It seems unbelievable that these things can be, yet this is a matter of trust, and if you were to be in a situation where you feel like you are enclosed and that there is no way out, then speak to us and ask for guidance, and it will be given. But you must have trust and open your heart and mind to these things. As the old adage goes, “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” And so it goes, that we can lead you to spirit for assistance, but it is up to you to open your mind and accept the responsibilities and actions given.

It is a difficult task to assist those in your world who do not wish to be open to these things of life and spirit, but at some point in their lives they will evaluate their situation, and their minds and hearts will become open, wishing to seek a way out of their situation.

Help and Healing When Needed

There are grim times ahead for many, and as the human race evolves, so the need for love and caring will increase. Many of you have open hearts, whilst there are those who have closed their hearts to others. They may have experienced extreme circumstances and feel that they are alone and that there is no way out. But there is always a way out, there is always hope. Once more, this is up to the individual, and they can be helped in many different ways of connection. Sometimes we will lead them to others who will, in a way not understood, assist them in their words. The situation may arise that these souls in need will recognise and grasp hold, to enable them to stabilise their thoughts and lives.

Truly there are many methods that spirit will (use to) reach out to those in need, and the tragedies of your world seem to increase and get ever more desperate, and although their lives may be terminated in extreme ways, at that moment of departure from your world they will be greeted with a warmth and love, so profound. And all those torturous things that they may have experienced, and all the pain and sorrow, will be put to one side and forgotten, as joy will be brought once more.

Healing is always available and accessible for all, you may feel it as a warmth in the pit of your stomach, acknowledge this feeling, this warmth, allow it to spread throughout your body, it may not save you from a life of turmoil or a life of pain, but it will help to ease your troubles.

When it is Time to Say Farewell on the Journey of Life

She comes this evening with thoughts and prayers for all those loved ones who have bid her goodbye. Her heart swells with love as she holds them close and caresses them with her love.
There are many families who grieve at this time and cannot understand why it is that they have been put through this turmoil of pain and uncertainty. It is common for them to become angry and lash out at those who would say “there are reasons for all things in life.” It is their lack of knowledge of life and that of spirit that led them to do these things, to lash out and become aggressive to those that they love, and they don’t mean these things, it is just that their mind is in anguish and cannot accept that life is a journey in which you learn to love, and you to learn to let go.

Each of you are on this journey, and each of you will be reunited once more, it is not a punishment from God or spirit; it is not something that you may have done that has brought this uncompromising sorrow to your life, it is life, and it is the nature of your world.
You see it every day, in the seasons of your earth, and in the birth and termination of life throughout the world of the animal kingdom, and even through the plants and flora and fauna of your world, everything is in a cycle, transitioning from one to the other, in an endless stream of life. Life never truly ends, it just exists once more in another form, in another place.

The transition of life has gone unexplained to many in this world, and they whisper words to the Lord, asking for the explanation of these things. There have been many texts written to explain these things, yet they have largely gone unnoticed or ignored. The words of the gospel speak of many things of wisdom to enlighten you, and although they have been enhanced by man, they still have basic truths that all should ponder upon and understand.

Cycle of Life for the Universe

Even the life of your universe has a cycle, and although you may not live long enough to see these things, nevertheless, universes are created and dissolved once more to become part of the heavens that surround your world. You see these things as meteors, stardust, and they travel endlessly, it may seem to you, throughout the galaxies of the heavens that you exist within, and eventually they become part of something else as they unite and create a new star system or Galaxy.

The vastness of time and space, you are unable to comprehend, as are many civilisations. And there is a reason for this, you must each pass through each phase of life, you must each journey this time parallel to others, but eventually you will progress and those in parallel with your life will join you and you will create new life. You may not understand the words that we speak, but we ask you to sit and think about these things. Do you truly believe that this is the one and only life that you will exist within? If so, how can you be so narrow minded? We implore you to open your mind and think of all the possibilities that exist.

You feel your bodies, and you know of your spirit and soul, because that is you! Yet even your spirit and soul, as you know it at this time, will evolve, it will join with others and you will be recreated as new, and yet you will still carry your personality of this time, but you will also carry the traits of others to enhance you, so that you may progress throughout the spheres of life.

Complex words you may think, and indeed they are, but there is nothing simple about universal life that exists within the many spheres of galaxies and universes.

Time Travel – Mind Travel

Many in your life fantasise about the ability to time travel, to travel to other worlds by folding space. These are just fantasies for your race at this time, but you can still travel, even though your advancements have not progressed to this stage, at this time. And you can do this through your own mind, for the complexities of your mind are vast and far superior to that of your material world, and anything that you can create. You have been equipped with a vast knowledge, that is mostly ignored or not tapped into. To expand your mind, to have the freedom of thought and heart will open up these corridors, and although it may seem insignificant to you, these things will advance you. The power of thought will carry you through your many existences and the life to come.

Withheld Knowledge and Destruction and Mayhem

We have spoken to you of other beings, and they wait for those with the ability to communicate with love and compassion, but at this time, the situation upon your planet does not allow these things to happen. It has occurred in the past, and your nations hold them as secrets that should not be disclosed for fear of the public response, but you are not children that need to be protected, for education is needed. It is only the ignorant, the greedy, and those who want the power that will not accept or acknowledge these beings and their need to help you through this time of your existence, but not just of your existence, for that will be short in comparison to your earth, but in the existence of your race of humanity. They deplore the situation they see at this time, as men of war create ever more deadly weapons to expand their territories, but they cause destruction, mayhem, they cause sadness and pain, and what was it gain them in the end? What satisfaction do they get from these things, they think their name may go down in history perhaps, but it will go down in a way that they do not wish and their spirit and soul will pay a price for the pain that they inflict upon others and their selfish needs.

“Will they be Punished?”

It may take time for them to understand the many things of life. Will they be punished? It is what hangs on many people’s thoughts, they will punish themselves in ways unexpected, but spirit and that which you call God will always be there to listen to them. How can this be? The devastation and death that they cause, the torture that they bring the innocent souls, how is it that they are given an ear? You find this hard to comprehend and to understand, but each of you have an opportunity to raise your vibration and bring your spirit and soul to a deeper understanding, to understand that persecution of others is not the way forward. Believe us when we say there is no excuse for these things, and what you do within your life will be represented in the next life.

Open your thoughts my children. Do not dwell upon those who bring terror, for they are their own worst enemy. Look to your own lives and assist those who are affected by their tyranny, assist them with love. Demonstrate your love, for this will demonstrate to those that bring terror that their way is not the way forward, it is through love and companionship, through compassion and caring of others. It is through the unity of your world to help one another, this is the passage that should be taken, and they will see in the time to come, but that doesn’t help those at this present time who suffer at their hands with their merciless persecution. For one man’s belief in his own greatness, he will understand in a time to come the things of his life, and he will pay a debt, as all most for their actions in their lives.

We thank you for your audience this evening, wish you well upon your journeys throughout the universal life that is given. Be blessed in the knowledge we have shared, and have hope in your heart’s that life is everlasting, and although your bodies may die, your spirit and soul will continue on in an endless cycle. It is up to you to improve your lives, not with the wealth of your existence or possession, greed of land or power, but within your love, for love will bring you joy everlasting. Amen.

Author: messagesformankind

'Michael Champion Trance medium. His work consists of communications through thought transference which are mainly from 'Being's of Light' of other dimensions. This broad spectrum of beings includes those from angelic realms and extra terrestrials. From time to time well known names from history and popular celebrities bring forward significant messages and also private individuals from the world of spirit who wish to communicate poignant stories with loved ones. The main purpose of all the messages is to educate and broaden the minds of humanity to the possibility of a 'New Dawn'. Becoming a trance medium was something of a surprise to Michael, it started as an initial interest in 'ghost hunting' which widened his awareness into accepting the existence of consciousness that could communicate from the world of spirit. After practicing meditation he soon began to receive communications while in a state of light trance, it was then that he realised, not all messages were from a human source. Very quickly the importance of the messages and their content became apparent, particularly after meeting his friends, Kevin and Valerie who recognised the great value of his work. After the sudden passing of his wife in 2017, Michael moved from Southern England to the Scottish Borders to be near his son and daughter in law. From his peaceful home he continues with his trance sessions, during which he records and transcribes new and fascinating messages on a weekly basis. These are currently being compiled into future volumes of 'Messages for Humankind’. They are regularly posted onto a blog site of the same name which reaches readers throughout the world. Valerie & Kevin. Together they work to proof read, edit and sometimes explain the messages for Michael as well as managing a blog site for him in an effort to allow the communications to reach as many people as possible.

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