04-02-20 Meteor storms, space exploration, our appearance, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Spirit Rescue, Personal messages etc,

Transcript Date: 4th February 2020

Journey far my children for there are many blessings given this day to those that struggle with life throughout the world of man. Temptation will be brought to many and the evil that surrounds your world at this time will diminish as the light and love penetrates through the very beings of existence upon earth.

Transfer, transmute your minds now to bring yourselves purpose in the things to come and the forthcoming events of which we have spoken of many times before, yet the realisation of these many things are not obvious to your eyes at this time. Have patience, for all good things come with a blessing of time and a measure of gentleness to ease your thoughts and minds to the persuasion of that of the light. Continue reading “04-02-20 Meteor storms, space exploration, our appearance, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Spirit Rescue, Personal messages etc,”