16-02-22 The key to remove suffering, storms and tremors, personal messages etc

Transcript Date: 16th February 2022

Key of Love

Clouds overshadow many who aspire to the light. Their thoughts bring them down to a lower level and their minds find it difficult to look beyond their life to see the purpose to which they were born. Judgement can only be brought to yourselves, you are the judge and the jailer, you must release yourself with your keys of love and not be incarcerated by your own thoughts.

We speak this evening to those who find it difficult to communicate with us, to bring themselves peace within their lives, to acknowledge the existence of their true selves, that which you call spirit. For time immemorial, many have sought to speak with those of the gods and of the spirit, yet they have failed so many times as their hearts are not truly in that place of connection. But we never give up hope for them, for we know that there is truth in their words, and although they find it hard to connect with that of spirit, their efforts will not be ignored or unnoticed. We will be there to guide them as an everlasting presence within their lives, unseen to them until the day that they must cross once more to this side of life.

Truly a purpose has been brought to many, and they enquire through their mind as to which step to take next. Yours is no different. You seem to think that at this time there is nothing more, yet there is so much to live for and to understand. We repeat these messages many times in the hope that you will begin to lift your hearts and free yourselves from the jail of life, to be open-minded and care for one another with a tender kiss of love. We have spoken of things to come within your world, you have acknowledged our words with your love and compassion.

Power of thought and love

Tonight, we seek an audience with one, she must not know of the things that she seeks, for her ways have failed in diplomacy and now she begins to spark a fire that should not be lit within the minds of many. What can you do about these things? It is a question asked, but there is much you can do through your thoughts of love and devotion to each other. For the power of thought is an awesome weapon, as is the power of love, and combined they will bring peace to the minds of others who seek answers that do not seem to be forthcoming at this time.

There is a little reluctance from many of your world, they cannot see the light that shines bright before them. They may ask questions of Valerie, Kevin and yourself, you may not think that the answers are adequate to reassure them of their life’s purpose and the reasons that seem to dictate their lives. But trust in us and allow us to connect through you to these individuals who seek impossible answers at this time.

Suffering and illness

We speak of those in need, those who are sick, and those who are worried for their loved ones who suffer. There is much regret with many, for their lives have been tormented by the words of man. But they should understand that our love is just a thought away, and if you wish for a resolution, then their thoughts should be of love and of questions, to which answers will be given. Sometimes these answers will not be recognised, and they feel abandoned as their loved one suffers, yet as you walk your lives, there are many things to be taught to you, even during the time of sickness and ill-health.

There are many in your world who suffer at this time, with no recourse or medical action available. They suffer with indignity to their spirit and soul; their bodies are ravaged with illness and disease. To some, their eyes are unable to see because of the issues of disease and infection. Yet their faith and trust in God and spirit is strong, and they ask for the wisdom and knowledge that may help them, help them and their children to resolve the situation.

It is not difficult, your resources are many. The wealth of your men of power exceeds their needs, but they will not part with it for the better good of man. They see these individuals suffer, yet nothing is done, they say nothing can be done. But truly, it can, it just takes a will of love to abscond from the riches of your world and reconnect with the riches of your soul, which is the love for your fellow beings.

Take note of the words this evening, for they speak volumes to many of your world. One man cannot change the outcome, but many joined together, as a nation, can strive to help other nations to win the battles of disease, corruption and illness.

One such as you cannot be heard at this time, yet the words spoken are true and not false. They will be seen and spoken of, yet they will not commit their actions to their thoughts. How can you help them to understand if you do not try to reach out to them? Your resources may be few, but you can still help in unexpected ways.

Temper your thoughts this evening to allow in the words so they may be spoken to the nations of your world. For solace brings peace, love brings joy.

(MICHAELS NOTE: On 4 December 2021 I was given a message that I did not understand at the time:

 “Correspondence will be sent soon to enlighten you upon the subject in which you talk. You will speak on behalf of others (spirit) to give them guidance, to show them the truth of their lives. There are not many who would seek your counsel, but there are the few who dedicate their minds to reading the passages given. Your welcome is great within the spiritual realm, and we ask you not to give up all hope, but to continue on in a forthright manner so you may speak in words so clear, they will ring like crystal.”

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a friend asking if I would give some words of advice to an acquaintance from long ago, I gave her my contact details and heard nothing for a while, but yesterday that person contacted me to ask if I could help him with his budding ability as a trance medium. After we had spoken for some considerable time, I felt an energy around me and felt compelled to sit to write this transcript on behalf of spirit. It seems that once more a prophecy that I was given has come to pass, none of us should doubt the word of spirit even if it does seem implausible at the time.
The following message is for him directly from spirit should he read these words which I will send to him shortly.)

Today he spoke to you of the things he wished for, yet his commitment lacks at this time. Your guidance was of need, and you faltered, because you do not understand your purpose. But things will become clear and he will begin to understand once more that it takes commitment to walk this road of light, to speak to spirit and to bring your life purpose for others sake.

Transmit your thoughts now, allow them to infiltrate the minds of others and we will speak once more about these things to instruct you in a way that you may not understand at this point in time, but know that we are there and that we care very much. Guidance will be given when needed.

Message for another follower of these transcripts:

Tell her this as she ponders upon the words spoken, that her thoughts are good and that her fears should be laid to one side. For there are many such as this person who suffers and are in need of a shoulder to lean on. Do not let her be afraid to continue this purpose, allay her fears with our love and guidance.

Some topics have been spoken of that may not be clear to you? But a clear understanding is always given to those who would listen. Triumph will come in many ways as the test of time endures during her life. She must not give up hope for those she tends, for they are appreciative of her wit and charm, her coolness and courage to speak to them during their final years and months.

If all could be like her, to help others in a practical way, wouldn’t that be a world you would want to live in, to know that their love was there as though a tender hand is held out, reached out, to help them in their final battle of life.

But as you know Michael, life does not end with the death of your body, for the spirit and soul walk on regardless of time, and you will once more re-join your loved ones in a way that you will not understand, yet you will know instinctively of their presence around you.

Storms and Tremors

Do you not feel it this evening as the air batters the world around you, do you not know of our love for all life upon your planet?

The weather systems of your world are becoming intolerant of your practices of life. Mother nature will retaliate many times with thunderous reactions, and the earth will tremble as it begins to shake beneath your feet. She is telling you that your disruption is causing heartbreak to her. She is telling you to begin to cease your activities of penetrating the earth to test your reactions and your weapons. This cannot continue, for it will bring doom upon many. Your warlike ways as a nation, as humanity, must begin to cease in the very near future.

Behaviour of humankind seen by others

You are seen by many from other worlds and they are reluctant to make themselves known to you, for they know of your wicked ways and your intolerance to others, not just of your own nations, but to other worlds beyond yours.

You must not allow your fear to overrule your good sense, we may appear from time to time and reports will leak out, for they cannot withhold this information. You must not have fear, but understand that there are other nations that may wish to help as your planet plummets into disarray. They cannot understand how you do not work as one nation of men, as one nation of humanity. They cannot understand why you harbour such primitive fears about other nations from other worlds. It is time to bring about a practice of love, not just to one another of your species, but to others of other worlds.

We will speak in a time to come to give you lessons upon how to communicate with your heart and soul. You are pure energy and you live a life in the physical, but your energy is far beyond your imagination. You cannot live in fear, or bring fear to others by your warring ways. You must cease your activities at this time, or face peril in the future.

We do not wish to bring fear, we wish to open your eyes. There are many extremists in your world who speak about things of religion and they commit themselves in causing atrocities to the peoples of the world, misguided souls who can see no other recourse and think that their actions are able to bring good to the world, yet things will not change, but get worse, not just for them, but for all of humanity.

Tonight as a beacon of light shines out across the nations of your world, many will see, many will deny their vision and say it is lightning, or some kind of disruption in the atmosphere, but this light that shines is there to indicate our presence and truth.

You may not see us as beings that cruise around your world, but we demonstrate our existence to you in the best way possible, not to cause fear and mayhem. Thankfully there are those, such as yourself, who can relay these things that we speak of, many will not read or understand and you may think what is the use if you cannot communicate these things, yet there is purpose in all things of life no matter where it stems from.

Your courage is needed at this time to face these things, for reality will strike hard and the truth will hit home as never before. Riddles we speak, would you rather that we be more direct? We tease you with suggestion, yet there is much truth in what we speak.

Do not allow your lives to be overshadowed by the fear brought to you by the governments of your world, their purpose is not like yours, their aim is not to bring disillusionment or mayhem, yet this will result through their actions and their ignorance.

You must see through their words and see the truth of their hearts. You must live your lives as best you can as an individual. If necessary, do not listen to the rhetoric spoken or the blustering words of many who wish to cause harm to others.

The topics we have spoken upon this evening may seem confusing and unreal, yet look to your heavens to see the truth as a star dies in a distant galaxy. To you its death is of this time, yet it was so long ago, and its light has travelled so many millions of light years to reach you. Its light will continue on even though it has gone and it will continue to shine as it passes your world and reaches other worlds far beyond yours. This is as your life, your bodies will die, but your light will shine on, going forth forever and ever, beyond your world. Your light will always shine, as you are part of the energy of the universe that surrounds you, and you will be revitalised and given the opportunity to brighten your light with the knowledge held and learnt.

Message for Michael from his late wife, Beatrice

There is one who wishes to speak this evening, come forward and be heard. Her name you know, yet she is reluctant to speak for fear of bringing you fear. You have seen her recently in your dreams and she sends her love. Her name you know and hold close to your heart with a tender kiss. She says, I am here walking beside you, travelling the road of life that we began. It is not time to give up upon yourself, become the man you are supposed to be in our memory, and when we re-join it will be with such wonder and love untold. Can you not feel my energy this evening? Myself and others surround you to bring you hope. Your life still has purpose Michael, to not abandon your life because you feel stranded, in a sense.

Message for a mother

There is one who wished for a reading to communicate through you to the world of spirit and beyond. She needs to know that her love is still with her and around her. She seeks to speak to a daughter who passed so young, so long ago. The lady in question is known to you, tell her this, that her daughter and her mother smile upon her, they will take her hand when she needs it most, for there are many worries and troubles within her life and her guilt for her daughter is unfounded. Joanne says to tell her that she feels her grief, but there is no need, for joy will be brought once more to your life. Your hardships at this time are many as you struggle to survive the economic situation within your life. You must practice your love to others, as you have done in the past. Your daughter wishes you to know of the hanky that you admired. It was a gift from a friend, yet you cherish it with all your heart. It brings you comfort to hold. The hanky is a blanket, a blanket of love that once wrapped your child in arms. She is fair in colour and lives on with us now. Yet Joanne seeks nothing other than your love, speak to her, communicate with her, that she may hear your voice call out to her in the night. There are others who wish to speak, but they must stand aside to allow a mother’s love call out to her child.

Twins they were, a duo in life. There is no death, this is an illusion, for life continues on, with a child’s love to her mother and a mother’s love to her child.

Tell her this, the pin that held the cloth will fasten your love for ever, and you commemorate her birth in the April of the year, 10th seems appropriate, but her birth was her rebirth into this of spirit, your connection will never be broken, nor will you be parted by that veil of life. Speak to us no more of sorrow and guilt, for your love was evident and is carried forward to your child’s heart within the realm of heaven.

January 4th would be of significance to you, love you always, despair not for I earned no guilt, for I have love for you always. Amen.

Come now, speak no more sorrow but of joy in life, joy of the living years that you still have, that you all still have. We speak of no one in particular, but we ask you not to tremble at the thought of that time to come.

Message from a mother

You may feel your age and you feel the age of this person now as your back is hunched and you feel not quite so firm footed. Your head is light, she comes forward to speak to her daughter Hannah, Anna.

My age was great, I lived for a long time and my back crumpled, my shoulders fell about me as if hunched and my stick assisted. But I was unable to get around in my life. I asked for forgiveness from the Lord and was given this forgiveness at my time of passing, and I ask your forgiveness if I troubled you with my concerns, with my inability to think straight or to speak the words I wanted to say.

My mind became obliterated with regression and the disease ravaged my mind and body, but I know of your love, I know of your calling out to me, to ask forgiveness for the times that you were not there. There is nothing to forgive my child, I loved you so and your help was great. I lived not too far away at that time, and I called on you constantly to assist in my abilities that were lacking and you came like a daughter of the light to assist and I know that your frustrations with your business were many and you felt at times that pressure would conquer you. I appreciate and love you always and know that my appreciation for your love and caring will carry me through until we meet once more.

You have concerns with your chest at this time, do not be concerned for you are well. Your smoking must stop, listen to mother for she knows. Time is of no consequence, the time will pass quickly as it did for me and we will be together again and I will be there to listen in the meantime to your words, speak to me, do not be shy, allow your thoughts to shine out, as the words unspoken are a poetry of love.

Oh, my back hurts so, my neck, but now it has gone and my body has gone and I am free and able to move, to think clearly and to see clearly. My appreciation for you is great. Know that my love will go with you, 1908 is the year of my beginning, 49 years are passed and I have not forgotten, as a mother never will. Do not be concerned about your material things of life, do not take in the worries and concerns of your business, for they are only for this moment and there is much more that you should live for.

I will leave you now, Pat is a name. Take care my love, take care. Love and wishes to all.

New speaker

Speaks volumes for all to pass your lives with love and caring and for those of the elderly who suffer, their time will come and they will pass in unity with their loved ones, and the love of spirit.

Your lives seem endless, particularly to the youth, and yet it is such a short time in which to show your love and gratitude to your families and friends. Be blessed this evening with the knowledge that has been bestowed upon you. Allow us to speak with you once more if you will.

Good evening and God bless and amen.  

Volumes One, Two and Three of Testament to a New Dawn, containing the best of the transcripts and more, are now available from Amazon and by order from other major book retailers

04-02-20 Meteor storms, space exploration, our appearance, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Spirit Rescue, Personal messages etc,

Transcript Date: 4th February 2020

Journey far my children for there are many blessings given this day to those that struggle with life throughout the world of man. Temptation will be brought to many and the evil that surrounds your world at this time will diminish as the light and love penetrates through the very beings of existence upon earth.

Transfer, transmute your minds now to bring yourselves purpose in the things to come and the forthcoming events of which we have spoken of many times before, yet the realisation of these many things are not obvious to your eyes at this time. Have patience, for all good things come with a blessing of time and a measure of gentleness to ease your thoughts and minds to the persuasion of that of the light. Continue reading “04-02-20 Meteor storms, space exploration, our appearance, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Spirit Rescue, Personal messages etc,”

12-11-19 Daughter of Light to Come, Illusions,Gambling, Space Exploration, The Unicorns etc

Transcript Date: 12th November 2019

Commencement of your purpose will begin soon my son. Be not afraid of that which is to come, for the help and welfare of all is paramount to us.

Your purpose has been brought once more this evening to allow the words of those from far off galaxies and distant places to become a focus for all. Help us to understand the things of your world that we may assist with those many things of life and torment that exists throughout your world.

Today we have brought focus to many within your world as they sit and ask the many questions of past and present. Yours is a special connection to bring hope to others through the many words spoken, through a practice of love and continuance of spirit within the realm of life. Continue reading “12-11-19 Daughter of Light to Come, Illusions,Gambling, Space Exploration, The Unicorns etc”

05-11-19 The Cord that Connects, Arts and Crafts, Teaching our Children, Christmas, Apathy, Personal Messages, etc

Transcript Date: 5th November 2019

Completely misunderstood are we by the world of men. The politics of the world consumes their minds at a rate unfathomable to us, for aren’t men born equal of the Lord, of the spirit from whence they came?

From whence you came …

It is true to say that we are a shadow within your lives and you progress your ways without knowledge of this world from whence you came, yet those who endeavour to look and seek out this truth, this knowledge, will find much happiness within their thoughts as they ease their burdens, knowing that a time will come when they will rest easy, with the light and love of spirit. Continue reading “05-11-19 The Cord that Connects, Arts and Crafts, Teaching our Children, Christmas, Apathy, Personal Messages, etc”

01-08-19 Words from a Spirit Guide, Light Beams, Truth about spiritual beings, Dogs and pets, Messages etc

Transcript Date: 1st August 2019

Words from a Spirit Guide

Togetherness, not so common in your world today, as many strive to fulfil their purpose without the need of others for selfish accomplishments and the basic luxuries of life.

Too many times we have sought their permission to enter their minds, to bring them peace and comfort in their turmoil and rush of life. We are satisfied that many oversee and rule their lives with compassion and love, yet still there are so many who would rush into matters without a thought or care for others as they clamber the spoils of your world. Continue reading “01-08-19 Words from a Spirit Guide, Light Beams, Truth about spiritual beings, Dogs and pets, Messages etc”

24-07-19 Differing Beliefs, Bereavement, Personal Messages, Finding Your Path

Transcript Date: 24th July 2019

Crucial it is, for the nations of your earth to find peace within their hearts, minds and souls. For there have been many this day, tortured souls, who have many regrets, as their wisdom was lacking.

Fill your pages with joy

Torturous times indeed, yet there are many who shine their light to bring joy to others in their tasks of life. Never let it be said, that the one who sits, should be shallow his thoughts, for he is a reminder to all that the wisdom of the Akasha books is open to all. Be not a blank page upon the life that you lead, fill it with your memoirs and remember those times of joyful happiness, do not let the times of sadness wither away your love, but bring joy to others in your passion for your purpose.

It has become apparent that some relinquish the paths upon which they walk for the sake of popularity. Do not be ashamed of who you are, let go and be free of mind and thought.

Differing Beliefs and Discriminations

Judaism is a subject that seems to be arising frequently these days, and the practice of others in their different ways of worship offend so many, yet little do they know. Does it matter how you speak your words in whatever form you choose? No, it is a partnership of love and respect that brings the many to worship. It does no harm to open your hearts and minds to other possibilities, other ways of reaching that divine being of light, yet you shun those who seem different to your eyes, their practices are thought of as being offensive, and yet they themselves are offensive in their thoughts and in their murmurings.

Displeasure drives many to say things of regret, not really understanding their own focus in life. For them, their harmony is disrupted, disjointed and not in focus. You are all one, no matter your skin colour, no matter your upbringing or the way in which you worship the Almighty.

And to those who would shun these words to say “He’s a figment of imagination.” We say this, do you truly believe this? Would you risk your soul in your belief? It does no harm to have faith and trust in other things that cannot be seen, it does you no harm to open your hearts and willingly look for the need of your soul.

Your dark times are many within the world of men, they fight over injustice as they see it. War is created by man, it is not the purpose given by the Almighty, you cannot use his name to defend your meaningless attitudes. It is not courage that makes a man in battle, it is the courage to follow your soul and the path given before your time. So open up your hearts, do not be dissuaded by those who would disrupt your life, for their focus is lost and their discriminations are many.

New speaker

We are pleased this evening to announce a new start for many as they begin to realise their thoughts are not always what they seem to be. Many ignore the thoughts given, but there are those who would act upon them. Have focus upon what you are told, do not disregard the words given, for there is greater meaning.

Parable of the Poppy and the Rose

The poppy and the rose, flowers that bloom at the same time, yet so different in form. But are they so different? You see them as a singularity and yet they are joined in a purpose equal to one another, their pollen gives life as the grains float upon the air, as does wisdom, another source of life. For the wisdom that floats in the air should be gathered by the many and create a chain of events where all become the wiser for the knowledge given.

Bless you for your practice my son, allow us not intervene into your life, but let us assist as best we can.

Personal Message for a Grieving Mum

She calls out for assistance. Her name rings through your mind like a bell tolling, and you answer the call, yet you know not why the frequency adheres to you, let her know this, that her son welcomes her messages.

“She thinks that they are not sent or not heard, yet the biggest lesson in life mum, is to trust.

I am not there with you at this time, nor will I be in this life. But my spirit envelops you, as does my love and best wishes. You are all tense at this time, for there are many things in life that bring you hurt, and like the lavender, I will bring healing to your minds, to your souls. I am forever with you, bringing you purpose in your life, be not sad for the times past, be comforted in the knowledge that love grows within my heart, day by day. And we will all join to encompass that love once more. But you know your life has purpose, it brings you joy in many ways not known to others, the blessings you give, those you teach, should fill your life with joy and yet such great sorrow obstructs its way. Be open in your thoughts ma, allow me to enter not with your sorrowful tears but with your joy and tears of laughter as we so often shared. My flat you decorated with some awesome memorabilia, I shall never forget the day that you looked at me and told me of the things I need to learn. I was a man in a forthright manner, and I told you I was not a child, yet little did I know how much I needed your shoulder to lean on, you are a blessing, you are my mother.

Sam needs you to know of his love and respect for your purpose. Don’t tell the others your secret just yet, let it linger for a bit, for she will know soon enough. Your heartache as grandmother is obvious, yet she is watched over as she embarks upon another journey shortly. You know the knowledge of this man, he speaks not on my behalf, but I speak through him, to let you know that your memories are worthy of a loving Ma, and I’m buggered if I’m going to let you go down without a good tanning, as you once gave me for riding a bike before my time. Bless you Ma, allow the tears not to fall, but smell the sweet scent that surrounds you, live your life, be blessed in the knowledge that one will come, do not embark upon a journey of sorrow. I hear you call my name at this time, speaking it as if I were there, wishing I were there, I am there Ma, I am with you, let my name resound through your mind with joy I have never left you, dear ones.

I will leave you now for another time, be blessed with my love.”

New Speaker

A son to his mother, a poignant message, yes this man has knowledge of some, but not all. Don’t allow your judgement to deem him unfit because he speaks the words, it is not his choice by which he speaks, but by the influence of that soul.

Don’t Give Up

Greatness will come to all in a time to come, for the glory of heaven shines within you all. We have spoken of your ‘discrepancies’ in life, whereby you do not fulfil your missions. That’s okay, we understand the many misgivings of life, cannot be brought all at once, it may take time in many, many lives to accomplish the goal that you need to reach. So do not lose faith and trust and say, “Oh well, I give up.” For there is an opportunity for all to aspire to their ultimate goals and aims. You cannot be aware of this at this time, but let your life’s path unfold before you like the pages of a book that are written so long ago and as you turn the page, so a new chapter begins, and from the words written you will remember.

Do not be deluded by the times in which you live, for you are observed by many other creatures of other places. And yes, there are those who would bring turmoil, but equally as in all cases of light and dark, there is the light to defend you.

Paradise Awaits for All

Ask the questions and receive no answers? Do you not see? Are you not aware of your responsibilities? Why do you say such things we wonder? You cannot bring yourself to murmur the words, yet you ask this man in solemn gratitude for answers. Have we not told you before, the answers lie within the words, it is a matter of study, of focus. Let his words not pass you by, for they are not his, but written by many of another place, and the answer to your question that you ask at this time is ‘yes’, paradise awaits all, no matter man, dog, cat, animal, you are all of spirit, you all have a place within that realm of light and reunited you will be in a manner of love if you wish. But if you close your eyes to the light and do not believe in such things, then your way will be lost. Open your eyes and see the world not as a favour all for oneself, but as a place of great study, as a place of loving companionship.

We bring you thoughts of many this evening, and their light shines brightly to announce their being.

Personal Message for a Mum

Adam wishes a word, for he has spoken before, but to no avail, for his mother does not listen nor acknowledge the words given.

“How can I become a free spirit and soul if you will not let me? For my place and time has come, and now I must recede and your love holds me like a chain. My dear, let me go. You are handsome in many ways, my love sings out to you my beauty. Can you not see that there is a better way and a better future? Help me to help you understand this evening. My love embraces you, always will, but you must let go to let my soul free. Let me know that you are happy, bring me joy in your thoughts of those wonderful times and memories of so long ago. It is hard to release, and we understand this, but it is easier to let go and look forward to the day of reunion.

Recollection of those bad times are not required, for they darken your view to the sunlight that shines. Hold out your hands and I will be there, you will feel my energy, feel my energy around you, I will hold your hands, but you may not feel if you do not release. I am your son and my prayers are for you, let this love be the last of our love, for there will be so much more awaiting you. Tender arms that hold and kiss, embrace the love given.

Your kiss so tender upon my lips, you brushed my hair with such care, you took a lock and kept it there, beside your heart where no one stares. Yes I know of its presence close to your heart, you embrace it, and you embrace me. Come now, no more tears, look to the future, for we will both share in that joy. Continue my purpose ma, do not let me down with despair and sorrow, for it is the pit of despair, bring joy to me, bring joy to yourself. Allow not the thought of love to betray, but embrace it. Help us on the path, as we are inextricably joined now and forever. Never forget, those words of sorrow should be turned joy. For a beginning will once more shine in the days to come.”

New speaker

For those who have lost loved ones

Companions come and companions go. You are thought of no less as you proceed upon your journeys. Sometimes it takes two to hear the words, sometimes they fall on deaf ears. But for all those who have lost their loved ones, bring joy to yourself, do not allow your sorrow to turn to bitterness, as so often does.

For in life there are trials and tribulations and answers are not always forthcoming, and bitter blows are dealt and hearts sway in utter shock.

Recovery is necessary, and how can we help those who wish for healing? It is by your thoughts that the answers will come. It may take a time, but they will arrive.

Hope and glory is endowed upon all, that they may aspire to live their lives in triumph and the words may seem strange to you, but considered them as an asset, for they will bring you hope in a way unexpected at this time.

We have focused this evening much on love, and the answers are coming to those who whisper words of sorrow for their loved ones. Do not live in despair, for a reunion awaits all, but your time must be done. Allow us not your anger and say ‘Why have you allowed this to happen, or that to happen?’ It is unfortunate, and we are aware of the many tragedies in your world. It is not the fault of the creator, and it is not your fault either. For life takes turns unexpectedly and as the drivers of your life, you don’t see what is round the next bend until you are there. You are blind until your eyes are opened. We will say this, do not be foolish, drive with care, drive your lives with care. Be cautious and aware constantly for those unexpected things.

Life is a funny pattern to live, in whatever aspect you live it. Even in the spiritual world, dark times come, but we join together in force with our love, and this expels that darkness and creates a new beginning, whereby that dark energy cannot enter. This reflects your lives, in desperate times it seems difficult to you to aspire to the lighter things of life, we will assist in the healing needed, and those who suffer at this time, be not in despair, be joyful for your times for they will come once more.

Time is but a measure, it is irrelevant to your being. Love is the only measure by which you will be judged, and by which means you will be elevated.

Advice for Anyone Lost on Their Path

No response was given! She is unhappy that her whims were not fulfilled, why should she care about the things of life, about the attitudes of others who scorn her so at this time. She sits in darkness, and she may not know it, her mind passes the time of day, dreaming of days that might be. We speak of no one in particular, but there are many who think in this way, your thoughts are relayed, transferred, and we hear them, we know of them, and there are many of them. Many go unanswered, even the prayers sometimes seem as though they were washed away in the air. But all I heard.

Forgiveness may be hard to give, but allow it in your heart, do not bring injustice to others for the sake of a mere mortal or for a few pence more. It is not worthy of you as spiritual beings, and we allow these things to occur in life, (for you) to find your way. Like children set free in the playground, you are free to follow your hearts. But be aware, there are those bullies of life that exist within spiritual planes and they will torment you, teach you bad things if they will, but life is the playground in which you will learn these things. And if you accept that bad things should happen before you can learn, then you are well on the way to knowledge unfulfilled. Do not be afraid of those things that task you and your life, do not give them the energy or feed them with your sorrow or anxiety, see a light before you in your eyes, and allow it to surround your being and your play days in that playground of life will be much happier. And when you resume your class, you will feel lighter in mind and body and able to absorb the lessons given.

This man knows of the things that he didn’t learn, and should of learnt, of the things that he didn’t do but should have done, and he is full of regret for these many things. His life will unfold regardless, but in a better way, for he has learnt the lessons of life, not in total we agree, but in many ways. And more lessons will come. Be not afraid of those dark times for light will shine once more.

Copy not the individual that would teach you the bad things, as the bullies in the playground, be independent of thought and mind and have a care for others.

Persuade those who would look at you with those fierce eyes, speak to them with kind words and they will be disarmed, for they will not know how to deal with this, some will lash out this is true, but in spite of this, that thought will be put into their minds, and they will wonder about their times and the purpose by which they issue these thoughts to you.

Be generous and love people, be kind to each other and to the animal kingdom and the plants that surround you, for all forms of life, no matter it shape or form are sacred to the creator of life. You are all equal my children, there is no segregation, only but in your minds.

Good evening.


13-11-18 Help on the Way, New Beginnings, Materialism, Cosmic Rays etc

Transcript 13th November 2018

Condemnation. Condemnation of the many will begin shortly as the blue of the sky darkens with the words so sour and bitter, full of intolerance for others of other nations.

Let your heart not be sorrowful, for this is the beginning that will bring purpose to many, for salvation of their souls.

Illustrious people upon high will sort a kingdom of their own, and they will ask none other than their own to join them, for they are truly alone in their aspects of hate. Continue reading “13-11-18 Help on the Way, New Beginnings, Materialism, Cosmic Rays etc”

26-06-18 Beyond the Realm of Life, Healers, Fear, Terrorism, Personal Messages, etc


26th June 2018

It may take time before you understand completely the messages given through this being of life, but you must try and restrict your thoughts to the blessings given, as we are here to guide you, your footsteps on your paths of life.

Become not afraid, for fear is just a figment of the imagination, it is a way of protecting oneself from those hostilities that may exist around you. But fear can be controlled in many ways, in thoughts and in deeds, and indeed in actions.

We cannot stress enough this evening the importance of feeling at ease with yourselves. Allow your minds to drift and wander, and your thoughts to travel far, as we attend each and every one of you with our thoughts of love and guidance.

Blessings are given to many this evening, those who strive for a better existence, those of South America who struggle at this time as war engulfs many regions of that country. You may not of heard of these beings of war, but they exist and they extinguish life without a second thought; for to them life is merely an existence and filled without meaning. They are not your friends, they will not stop until they reach their ultimate goal. Their goal is that of pain, and for the riches of the earth that they desire so much. They argue the point that ‘It is a matter of religion’, or that it is a way of ‘getting back at the establishment’ that give them the grief that they feel so much at this time.

Help them to understand that their regions of life are many, and in those fields, those battles will cease to commence as they begin to realise the truth and honesty in men’s hearts.

They are not afraid of their minstrels of life, but they do give way to powerful thoughts of self-discipline. Their armies are small and ineffective at this time. For most of you, your lives are ‘in balance’, or so it seems, truth be told that there are many, even within your own country, that argue these very same thoughts, that harbour thoughts of anguish and despair for others. Theirs is not a charitable one, but a life of pain for others. Their thoughts and deeds cause much pain and anguish. But their time will come, a time when they must answer for their being and their existence, and their pain will be to know of the anguish they brought the many. But in spite of themselves, they cannot see a better way, and so continue upon their path of anguish.

Give blessings tonight for those, the victims of these men. For they suffer terrifying experiences, and the terror grows within them, until they can no longer sleep for fear of never waking once more. And in their darkness, in their dark days, they are truly horrified, for there seems no respite from these vicious men. You may call them terrorists, we call them evil, but their dark ways can be turned if the light shines strong enough. As in all men, there is always a better way.

So if you find yourself struggling through life, with illness or depression, and feel bitter towards others, that they too are not experiencing these things, take heart, for these things are for you, and for you alone. And it brings you little comfort to hear this, but stress and pain are a part of learning, and fear is the weapon that will ease your problems, in so much as it brings not despair, but strength.

Your words are little this evening. Your mind casts back to many things of previous days when times were good in your own life. You must all show gratitude before Him, for he is a leader of many. You call them churches, and they are places of respite for those with a heart of love and companionship. We admire those who have the strength to walk free, freely into those places of rest and prayer, for they have found the true path of life that is represented by the symbols of God that stand within.

We have spoken of this before, and that God exists within your very own beings, you are part of his energy, part of his light, and it is only you who can darken these avenues of respite.

Help yourselves to a better way and ease your pain within your lives, call upon him, as he calls upon you. Bring peace to others, and don’t allow yourself to harbour terrorists of any kind, nor bring fear to others for your own weaknesses in life.


Catherine came once to speak of many things that she experienced in life. She extends a warm welcome this evening, and wishes her friend to know that she is okay and that heavenly place. The daffodils that she loved so, and the roses, seem to shine out with more brilliance and scent than ever before. As she walks through these gardens they bring reflection to her of her past life and the things that she loved. Her need is great for comfort, for she sees many things of her family as they struggle upon their way without her. But she knows that as a creature of light, theirs too will shine once more and they will rejoice in the gardens of love.

It is hard for you to imagine as living beings, that there could be such a place beyond your realm of life. Your fractures of pain and torment blind you, and you cannot see your way nor imagine such a wonderful place of existence. Yet truly it is there, in your hearts and your minds, and you shut these out during your span of life. But upon reaching that time when you must cross once more, your eyes will be opened to a better place.

Catherine has long since passed, but she knows of many things of life. Her pain and suffering was great, and she bore a burden to ease the many who suffered along with her, in ways that you cannot understand. For her pain was little, but her family’s were great.

Her friend that speaks to her on random occasions, hoping to hear a voice, or perhaps see an apparition or a sign, bells will ring, as this is a way of messaging from our world to yours. Your thoughts are heard, even your whispers are carried upon the wind. For your vibrations are great, and your sadness should be over, rejoice that she is in a place of wondrous things. This isn’t an illusion or a fairytale in your world, it is a place of healing and of sanctuary.

Can we not speak of things that you should know of? Or are we not permitted to help those with such cases as this? Their cancers are great and carry much torment to their bodies, but their minds are clear and set upon a path. And you see them, perhaps writhing in agony, or so it seems. And your modern day medicines help to ease the pain and the burden. There is a point in each and every one of your lives, that you will come to this point, and the burdens that you carry will drift away, because your mind will be focused upon the light before you. You will see your friends and loved ones, mothers and fathers, and all those things that were a part of your life, your love. Cast your mind not out into the darkness, but into the light that comes for each and every one of you.

For life is just the beginning, and death is not the end, but the start of something special, way beyond your human minds and existence. So despair not for those who suffer in pain and pass at an early age, for they have much knowledge and are at peace, and are welcomed by us.

Help yourselves to a better way of living, be open-minded and frank with each other, that you may discuss the torments of your life. Valerie, she sees many who have seemingly no beginning or end, and they cannot see their way to the pastures blue. Her aid is vital within your living world, and there are many who perform the same miracles that she achieves through her love and care.

Open your arms and hearts to these healers, for they bring peace to many, but receive ridicule from those ignorant of that spiritual way. Their pain will be great one day, and they too will also look towards the light and ask for assistance, and in that time they may realise that their ridiculing words were of no importance to that healer, for they had faith and trust in the practices they brought.

Sheila has words this evening for her husband past recently, and is documented upon the words written upon the airwaves of life. He wishes to thank all those who gave him courage and sustenance to continue the battle that he fought so well, his love for Sheila was great, and his family urged him on to win the battle that was hopeless. But nevertheless, she should know, he rests easy now in the light in heaven, with the one they lost, the child so long ago. She bore his boy and brought him into the world, but he was lost. His father is with him now, and as they dance and play in the light, they wish her to know that the many blessings of life were brought through her love and will. Don’t be sad for his passing, have courage to face the future and live this life as he would.

Liz, Lizzie wishes to thank all those who helped through his prolonged illness. He is her son, hm, his mother, she was blessed with this lad long ago, and he rests easy now with her. Comfort is given, and healing will be brought to that lady, Sheila, she will feel the helping hand of love and the warmth that will surround her, and bring her tears to a mere trickle, as she remembers well the love and warmth given by him, her husband.

Catherine wants to mention Bet, Betty. I too wish to remember the love given at my time of passing, you were a true friend. Help us now by moving on and living our lives in our stead, that we may see you with joyful tears and not bitter memories of those sad times.

Combine your thoughts this evening, bring hope to those many who suffer these many terrible illnesses of your world, and feel that energy, that warmth, that true love, that will surge through you. Feel it in your minds eye and feel it in your hearts, feel it in your heart that it may heal you, for healing is given to those who are blessed with love.

Never concern yourselves with the bitter ways of others, for their paths are to be trodden, and their guidance given by others, of other means. Truly they walk in the dark, but their light will shine one day, and they will see a better way.

Tasks you hold before you are great, and your bitter memories sour your thoughts, as your loss of loved ones strikes at your very heart. Your bitter words are no more than sour tears, and they will be dried. You will not harbour these things of life. Your passing will bring a time of healing, and your life will denote the next step upon your journeys as spiritual beings.

A semester is a term of life (lifespan), and at the end of this semester must come the reckoning. But be not afraid, the words seem harsh and cruel, but really, they are spoken in truth and honesty, and you should not fear. For the many will come for you, and you will see their faces, and they will not have aged, for they truly have become angels of the light, as you will be if you wish it so.

Tony caresses her, holds her tight, she cannot understand how his pain could have brought so much grief. His left temple was sore and as she rubbed it to ease the pain, this helped little, but he knew of her sensitive touch and the love that was of healing, and as you see the flowers and the fragrance of lavender, those purple blue flowers, he felt at ease in the knowledge that her love would travel with him. Feel this ease, feel this healing now, he is resting easy in his wheelchair of life. His passing will be soon and his head will hurt no more, and he sees visions of what is to come, but he cannot tell her of these things, for he is filled with fear of their true meaning. Never fear the light, never fear your passing, the pain will pass, and you will forget as soon as you come to this side.

Truly you know not much of life within your short existence upon your earth. but your wisdom will grow, as do all others.

Cast your minds back once more, to a time when happiness seemed never-ending, your childhood days extended as if they never had an end, and you played carefree in the swings and parks, and you ran through the grass without worries or concern. And your mother would call you, beckon you to her, and ask you to stop being so silly, but for a moment, your wistful (wilful) ways would take over once more, and you would not listen to what your mother said, for you were at ease with the world. It was a place of play and a wondrous thing for you to see. Many children of today do not harbour the fear of future, for they awaken in your world with a lust for adventure of love, they see much pain as they grow, and they will argue amongst themselves to jostle for position in life. We spoke of the ‘Children of Crystals’ and they too are just the same in their immaturity, but like you, they will grow and open out into beings of love and light.

As the lily of the valley flowers and blooms, so she will bring peace to those who whisper her name. For she is the sister of Valerie, that special person who brings whispers of healing to others. She has not told you of these things, for she holds a secret beyond your knowledge, and you are aware of many things of her life, for you are linked as in the chain of life. Bring her not fear by these words, but give her this wisdom, that her life is a blessing to many, and for her sister, these things never were, yet she harbours no grudge, for she is at rest with the peaceful knowledge of life and love. Her children rest, as she does. Jack corresponds in ways and means that he can, they sit together and watch the world go by. Complete your memories my dear, shut out not those times of irritation and aggravation, for your heart is open and your mind is free. I told you once as a child, as you held your teddy, that you should live your life in the world as a free soul, as a fairy, a free spirit. And you looked at me with your eyes and gazed into mine, and asked if you would grow wings that you should fly, I said, the wings are of love and will be light as a feather, and once you learn to master this love, so you will fly as a feather in the wind. You grinned, as if to say, “You’re being silly!” I laughed, and hoped that one day you would understand, and this I know to be true, that your wings have grown. You are blessed with a magical formula of love, held deep in the hearts by many, have hope my dear, the times will ease and you will rest under that shady tree, a small orchard in our garden. The apples fell and you became ill, they were sour and unripe, but you became well and learnt a lesson in life, that not all fruits are sweet, for there are some that are bitter and this taste will linger. But your strength will pull you through, and that bitter seed will turn to the sweet sugars of life, the nectar upon which all life is formed.


This evening we have spoken many things, personal messages to some, others will not understand. But grief is something that all will encounter at some stage. Bring these words to bear, that it may help you through your dark days and inspire you to move on. We thank you this evening, for our time is done, but we will share our love with you, if you would only but open your hearts to us. Your hearts wide open, your minds free.
God bless my children.



Thoughts are like pearls of wisdom, they are strung out in measures as the beads of life. You count them, as your blessings, and your prayers are heard. Answers will be forth given, forthcoming, and your nature will intercede with them. Sister Agatha is here to guide you, let not your thoughts deceive you that it is your imagination, for she brings prayers and warm wishes to you. Help her to understand your mind and give her your tolerance and obedience that she may nurse you, as she did once before, long ago. Come my child, be not afraid to ask the questions of life, let your mind be free and open to the many possibilities that will bring success and love for those who ask.

We are here to hear your prayers, and as those pearls of wisdom are noted, so they are given back tenfold, in ways you cannot understand. Yet your faith is true. Your pulse races as you feel the atmosphere change. Your life continues upon a path of un-trodden leaves, the twigs snap as you walk and you jolt with fear. They are there to remind you of your path, so that you may not lose focus, be not afraid of the twig that snaps, or the branches that fall, for new growth will be given to all in the years to come. Feel our warmth this evening, let not your fear block your pearls of wisdom and thought, for we measure time in a manner not known to you at this time.


Concentrate your thoughts and minds upon the powers to be. We exist beyond your world, and we invoke many things of fear and treachery. Their time will commence soon to assist your race. We cannot but help to intercede this evening, we too bring words of grace and caring for you, what would you have us say? That we are the aliens of your life, the spacemen far beyond your earth? We are merely the puppets of the angels of heaven, we too seek peace in our hearts, friendship, that we may speak to your leaders and give them hope for a better future. You torment us, but our hearts do not fracture, you cannot bring harm to us, nor us to you. Help us to understand your earthy ways, bring peace to us that we may see your thoughts. Kevin has one, he believes strongly in the beings beyond your world, he even speaks of them freely, and tells of a meeting long ago. This is no accident, was not his imagination, for we visit many of your earth and they see us in the night as visions, terrifying nightmares to some children. And they resist the temptation to lash out, for they are staring in awe. They feel paralysed and unable to move, and yet they writhe uncontrollably to escape this vision. He knows of the many things, he is a wise man, and his knowledge should be sought, for he knows many things of us. His time with her, as she spoke the many words and messages we gave, brought a kind of fear to heart and he investigated those things. He sought her advice, but she became fearful, her knowledge is much, yet uninformative. Bring peace to those who have this knowledge, let them know we do not bring fear, there are those who would cause you harm, as in all things of life, there are the negative. We are the beings of light and mean you no harm. Call this evening as the dusk falls, we will show you a meaningful symbol in the harvest of your life. Contact us not through thoughts of fear, but of deliverance, that we may assist in many ways, control your minds now, let these words take hold that they may bring meaning to your life.

12-06-18 Mother Mary, Hope, Change and some Personal Messages

Transcript 12th June 2018

‘Twas once long ago, that men strived for knowledge of that being of love. They focused their minds eye upon his purpose to bring a wisdom to the many who were ill at ease. The wisdom engulfed many of the world at that time and they gave thanks for his being and presence at that time. Many saw him as a man of possibilities, but many also saw him as a threat to their moral existence.

Be not afraid this evening as we accompany you upon a path of knowledge. Guidance will be given as we speak through this person this evening. Continue reading “12-06-18 Mother Mary, Hope, Change and some Personal Messages”

29-05-18 Families, The Blind Man, The Media, Guardians of Life, Murdoch, Churchill etc

Transcript 29th May 2018

Jointly we are guided upon the paths we tread, hand-in-hand the spoken word is passed from one to another, so that others may see the light before them in the darkness of their lives.

Purple flowers bring lessons to many, particularly chrysanthemums, Michaelmas daisies, to name but a few. The flowers of life are those who specialise in care and tenderness and allow others peace of mind in their latter years. They help and guide them in the final steps of life. The nurses who bring comfort to those patients who have worried so and are full of concern as they leave their loved ones behind to face their own path, their beginnings and endings. Continue reading “29-05-18 Families, The Blind Man, The Media, Guardians of Life, Murdoch, Churchill etc”