28-04-23 Instincts, Power of Love, Mother Mary, Overcome confusion and mayhem etc

Transcript Date: 28th April 2023

Instincts and Power of Love

Instincts play a part in all your lives; they are a part of you that never leaves, and it is these instincts that will guide you and bring you purpose within your lives. Too many these days ignore their natural instincts and they behave in a random manner, not applying their thoughts to their nature or the being that they are.

We must bring you hope this evening that your love and tenderness for each other will bring you warmth and companionship. It is not a time to fear or let others to allow the fear build within you. This fear can be combated by your love and the instincts that you have to hold one another tight in an embrace of love. For love is the weapon of war that cannot be broken, we speak of the war of the negative against those who would only wish to bring that light to others.

You must never become complacent with your attitude to others, never take them for granted, never heed those who will turn you against your friends and families. You must move within your journeys in a positive way, to bring hope and change, so others may see and join you upon your path of life.


It was long ago before man stepped out in the world that your bodies were just a mere ‘speck’ in the ground, but the spirit within was always there, it gave purpose to your bodies to live, to learn, and to help each other within the realm of life.

The time has come to tell you about these things, to inform you about your beginnings. In the atmosphere around you, within the universe that surrounds you, you are a form of energy and it cannot be extinguished or erased, for your energy is part of the greater being that will never fade or diminish.

You must uphold your faith and trust, you must endure many things that will test your faith and trust, but you must focus upon that being that you are a part of. None of you should lose hope and betray your soul’s purpose by not following your path.

There are many things of heaven and earth that can be spoken of, yet only time will enlighten those who follow their path. No one is forgotten, no one is forsaken, for you are all a part of this universe and of this energy.

Rectifying wrongs

It comes hard to some to think that perhaps even those who commit severe wrongs within your world are given the opportunity to rectify those wrongs. To your human minds this is an horrendous thought. Those that commit adultery or murder, or crimes against humanity in the world, have an opportunity to rectify these things. It is your instinct to want them to be punished, but how would that rectify the situation?

Vengeance should not be carried within your hearts, nor anger. We do not ask you to pity them, but to hold them and help them to understand, that although they may have committed these crimes, they must follow the rules of the universe.

A time will come when all will understand the meaning of life and the meaning of death. As we have said before, there is no death, only the death of your human body.

Your experiences and the many situations you have faced will guide your future and you will become aware of the many nations that surround you, the many planets that harbour life much the same as yours. You may see them as strange beings, not of your world, but of your nightmares! But you must accept that they are that being, their creation is as much a part of yours as it is theirs. You cannot hide from these things; you cannot deny what your eyes and your thoughts tell you. Use your instincts and understand that life is given to all, no matter what part of the universe they exist within.

Life is universal and never ending, and when one civilisation dies, another begins to start afresh.

War and Destruction Created by Humans

You hope never to see violence, war or destruction, and they are unfortunate in their creation, but they are only created by your own selves. You can only help yourselves to a better way by understanding that each of you are connected to each other, you are not separate, despite your outward appearance.

Even those beings who wish to communicate with your species understand the meaning of terror and war, and they do not wish for these things to occur. Many nations of other worlds have transcended their evil ways and have come to understand the purpose of life and of love, whilst others have perished because they do not learn or communicate with each other the words of love and understanding. It can only be bought through faith and trust.

(The following is a message for Michael – on the day he met George Burridge, a fellow trance medium who lives in Cornwall. – Whilst he was at George’s home, George spontaneously slipped into a trance and spoke about many things. It showed Michael that our purpose in life continues on despite age or circumstance. George is now 93 and still going on strong. It was later that day that Michael sat in light trance to receive the contents of this transcript and the following personal message.)

Today you have spoken to one of wisdom who knows many things about these matters, he has spoken to you with our words to help you to listen, and to help you not to give in. You feel alone and abandoned, but this is not so, we are always here and we walk beside you. Others see this and tell you of these things, but you seem lost at this time. We will bring focus once more and help to guide your thoughts. Treasure your memories of your loved ones, hold them tight to your heart, for they are still with you and they will never leave you, for you are a part of each other and a part of the universe.

Seek out those who have similar beliefs and interests, bring them close and talk with them so that they too might understand the meaning of spirit and world peace. You feel there is no one at this time to communicate with, yet here you are, speaking in terms of love. Do not underestimate the power of the spirit, for it exists within all of you to bring you hope, to bring you joy and to eliminate those things that may frighten you.

Mother Mary

She has spoken to you the words of wisdom, and she shares with you a grace so vast that it encompasses all of this world. She has been with you and watches over you as she watches over all of you to give you hope, to give you courage and fortitude.

Bless this lady, for she is the mother of the one that you call Jesus. She is the mother of all and she will not let you go into the night with fear and without love. Trespass not upon others who have a will to bring destruction, but coax them with your love. Nurture them with tender thoughts of love and bring them hope that one day their problems and troubles will be put to one side and life will begin for them once more.

Hope is never gone, it never ceases, for as long as you hold it within your hearts.

Troubles are many, and many suffer at the hands of their own thoughts, and they struggle through their life not being able to visualise a way forward. For some it is the practical side of life that holds them back and they cannot see past their worries and concerns. It is easy for us to say to them to have hope and trust, but this is what we do say and they must endeavour to help themselves.

Truly there are many who do not have your resources and the luxuries of your life, and they truly struggle within their lives against extreme odds that are set against them. It doesn’t seem fair to many that they should be in this position, but again, this is about comradeship and about love and connection, it is for you to do what you must, and help them understand that they can help themselves to ease the problems of others.

A united world will be one that will gain much, not in wealth or possession, but in love and understanding. Are these words not true? Do you not listen to what we are attempting to tell you? Do not shut out the lessons of life, for they will be carried forward within the next existence. Train your minds to become one with peace, one with the universe. Do not speculate that the future is ‘Doom’ for it can be so bright, and the brightness can be brought through love. Temper your hearts with this freedom of love and allow it to help others.

There will come a time when those from other worlds will communicate to those of your world. They wait for that time when you become one with your hearts and souls.

Overcome Confusion and Fear

Birds will be seen to flock in an unusual manner and people will speculate that the energies of your earth affect them in ways that you do not understand. To some extent this is true, the energies will peak, and confusion will be brought to those creatures who rely upon their instincts to find their way.

Mankind will be confused and not understand as much as the creatures of the world. But there are those of you who will read these words and understand that these changes are abundant at this time. You must follow your thoughts, for they are given by those of spirit and others who only wish to guide you and to alleviate your fears from the confusion that will be brought.

Mayhem should not be feared, it should be looked at in a cool and calm manner, and the logic and reason of your mind and your instincts will help you to see out this storm of energy release.

Do not be afraid, for all things have purpose, and even those who suffer loss will endure and bring themselves peace once more as they acknowledge that the universe and the universal wisdom will play a part in their lives.

You comprehend many things, yet there are many things that are not understood. And many of your world do not recognise that the spiritual realm exists for the good of all. It exists all around you, all of the time, and it can be reached with your focus.

She (Mother Mary) will tell you soon of many things to come, she will guide you upon your steps. You must listen to the wisdom given Michael, you must listen and follow the words spoken, we have faith in you that you will do these things.

Message from Pauline (3.8.38 – 19.4.23)

Your friends at this time are in need of comfort and love, their peace has been shattered by the loss of a loved one. She wishes them well as she sings to them in the evening, at night. She sings her favourite songs that brought her joy in her life.

There are no random acts, for everything has its time. She has left confusion, but she knows that this will be dealt with in a suitable way.

“I was brought peace by the hands of love, I could not hold on, for the warmth and the love was overwhelming. You must not weep for me, but think of those times of joy and the life that we had, and I thank them for the things that they have sacrificed for me.

He will understand this message, that I will be there with them, holding their hands.

Do not argue, but bring me peace with your love for one another.

Hope will be brought once more and your lives will continue on until we meet again in this wondrous world of love. Speak to me no more with the tears that fall from your eyes, but caress me in your hearts with your love and understanding. And although you think I went too soon, it was my time, it was what I wanted. Don’t think me selfish, but bring me love.

And to speak in a general way, there are many who wish to move on, but are unable, for it is not their time. Each of us have a time and we have an understanding when this time is reached.

My love to you all and I caress you all, my family, with love.

Tony was a big part of my life and he brought wisdom, laughter and fun. We are united once more, know this, so you may understand.

Wallace and Gromit, a strange thing to talk of, but I did enjoy them! (In life Pauline protested that she didn’t like them!)

Caress your years to come with thoughts of love and look to the future, not with fear at the situation that surrounds you within your world, but with love, for there is a bright future for you to come. Be blessed in this knowledge.

She asked a question of me, was I happy? And the answer is yes. The pain was slight, but I was happy in the knowledge of their love and of their union.

So many things to say and speak of, so many unspoken words yet to be told.

They will understand, for their love is universal and is for all who would become a part of their lives.

Time to go, love to you always.”

26-04-22 Mother Mary, Talks between leaders, Orbs and flashes of light, Anger and love etc

Transcript Date: 26th April 2022

Seldom have we spoken about the time to come, when the purpose that was brought to you and others to a bring focus on things for the men of the world to see, that the universe is a vast expanse of knowledge and the world of man should see that their lives are short within the physical, yet everlasting within those planes of energy that exist around you constantly during your lifetime and beyond.

Mother Mary

Tonight we wish to speak of one, Mary, who once came with purpose in her life to bear the child of love, so he may roam your world during his time to preach the gospel to those who would listen. She sits with us this evening in prayer, and in hope that these words are not spoken in vain, but are given as a mother filled with love and a purpose of caring to those who suffer at this time. She speaks to you with purpose this evening Michael, so you may inform others that His coming will once more be heralded by the star that flies across the sky so brightly. Its name is Halley, and you understand the things that we speak of. But know at this time, as the star flashes across the sky that it will bring a warm reunion of your world to that person of love. (Halley’s comet is forecast to return in 2061but METEORS FROM HALLEY’S COMET are seen each May: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on May 5th and 6th. Rates could be as high as 30 meteors per hour in the southern hemisphere, but only half that in the northern hemisphere. The best time to look is just before local sunrise when the constellation Aquarius is high in the sky.)

His being is with you all throughout your daily lives and it only takes your acknowledgement to bring his purpose to the fore in guiding your steps of life. Do not be afraid to awaken this energy of love, for it exists within all of you, even those in troubled times. Their love and union is great, it is not a masquerade, nor is it false hope to believe in these things, for we have spoken the truth, and Mary sits hand on heart hoping that you will hear the words and heal the wounds of life.

She is your mother and the creator of life, as are all the women of your world, they hold a treasure inside, which you called the womb in which life is ignited and grows, and this life will be born to your world in the hope that you will receive it with love.

Tonight many women observe these things as they think of their young ones in the wombs of their bodies, and the love that is extended can be felt, even within this short period of time when their life has just begun. For life begins at the very instant of conception and does not end until that life is extinguished to be reborn once more.

Doubting hearts

Within the hearts of many there lay doubts as to the truth of the spiritual realm and the connection that it holds with your world, for it is a deep bond that will never be broken. But alas, can be stretched at times. You must release your love and unite wholeheartedly with each other, hold this bond of love tight to your chest and allow it the freedom to express itself upon others, for you are the children of the world and your purpose has been brought once more to relive a life of purpose.

Talks between leaders

Hope has been dashed this evening as they argue and talk about things that you may not hear of, and in their thoughts, should not concern you. Yet all humanity is united in the affront given by those who disrupt the peace in anger. It is an affront to him, our Lord, that they should argue and bicker so amongst themselves, because as they do so, so they forget his being and the love that is the bond of mankind and all creatures in existence.

Together let us pray that they can extinguish their fears and unite once more in a bond of friendship, no longer bickering about the challenges ahead, but instead, bring change that may help others of your world. A mighty task indeed to be given to so few angry men of your world. But our support is with them and they will not understand their thoughts as they begin to release their anger and torment and to release their grip upon other nations so they may unite once more in agreement as the fellow men that they are.

Replacing anger with love

Angry thoughts are expressed by many, and this negative energy exudes much unrest in your world. Your union, your bond, is of humanity and spirituality. You must realise that anger is a waste of energy, it has no purpose, for it will drain you and leave you hollow inside and a hollow heart can never appease another. It takes love to fill this void, to extinguish the anger that is held inside, to allow you to see reason and understand the nature of yourselves, your being. You must abolish all thoughts of anger, need and want. Coax that heart of love, that it may ease the tensions in your world and within yourselves and do not be afraid to announce this love as a proclamation to all who will listen.

Thoughts for one who is poorly

Tender thoughts this evening for one who is poorly, and it seems she has lost her way at this time. Her health diminishes as she holds back the truth from her loved ones as to how exactly she feels at this time. They hold her hand to bring her comfort, and in return hope that they also receive these comforting vibrations.

Life is extinguished many times throughout your world, not through hate or war, but through the natural course of your lives. Regrowth is given once more, as in the nature of your world. It is nothing to fear when a loved one becomes poorly and seems helpless, and their situation grows ever dimmer by the minute. But you know that we will be there to bring comfort to that one soul as she slips away beyond your earthly realm. The heartache that is felt, that which you call grief, is a pain that is unrecognisable to many, yet at some point within their lives they will experience this pain and understand the fragility of life and how it is seemingly impossible to hold on to that moment in time.

Yet time itself has an end, it cannot go on forever. Within a moment of the day, as the time passes to the next minute, to the next hour, to the next day, so it will continue to live its moment and then move on. It is not gone, nor is it forgotten, as you will not be forgotten in the minds of your loved ones.

So bless her with your love and understand, that although she seemingly slips away from you, there is light on the other side and she will be granted that everlasting peace within the world that you call spirit. Focus upon your love and your thoughts of healing for her, for this will help her in the transition of her life.

There is much comfort brought through the words of love and healing, and for those who receive these thoughts, they too are helped along the way. Unseen or unheard by many, yet felt by those in need. It is this very healing that you can also issue to the world and not just to your loved ones, but to all those who suffer at this time. It is your healing thoughts and love that give them strength to cope with their various situations, and although they do not know you or understand where this feeling of love comes from, they will embrace it and allow it to evolve within their lives. No matter how unworthy and feeble you may feel, all thoughts of love and healing are valid and give strength to all those who need it.

Come to us with your thoughts of love, bring us your thoughts and prayers so we may understand the situation you find yourselves in, for there is no situation that cannot be resolved with a thought and a prayer of love and healing. She will succumb, there is no stopping this, but life will go on.

The continuation of life

March is the season when you look forward to spring, when your hopes are renewed and your life seems to be brighter, and as the months follow into spring and into summer, so life will flourish, and as the season moves on, so autumn may come and things seem a little slower, a little duller, but still you walk in stride throughout your lives. Then the winter months, November and December, January and February, things slow down and many wither away, as you must in the winter months of your life. But we have told you the seasons that you see upon your earth and in nature are the same as your lives, and you will flourish once more.

So tonight, bring hope to those who suffer in the everlasting chain of love, and the circle of life that encompasses all who exist in whatever form they may be born to. The truth has been spoken and she will come to no harm as she drifts past that earthly veil.

Mother Mary and connection to ‘The Trio’

I was once a mother; Mary was my name. I bring you hope for the future, for your families and your loved ones and all who exist at this time.

You call upon me so you may receive a reason for my existence at this time. My energy surrounds you, and your mind tries to reason with the feelings that are felt. It is the energy of love that surrounds you at this time. Your family bid you welcome and bring you hope of a new future to come, and although you may feel dubious about the purpose of this energy, you will understand and know of its purpose. Bring hope to those who also have an understanding of the energy that surrounds them. It is seldom felt by many, but those who make the connection will know of this energy that exists around them.

This evening you are connected as a trio, and you feel this energy, and it feels as if you have an object in the bridge of your nose, allow it to help you in your connection. You may call this your third eye chakra, and it is at this point within your mind that you focus upon the world beyond the living, this alternate world that exists all around you constantly. This energy increases as you think about this world, allow it to absorb your mind.

Chris or Christopher has a reason to speak this evening, and he speaks with a purpose in mind. Bring forth your energy of love, allow your focus to sink ever deeper into that place of love and spirit. Never regret the things that are taught to you, for they are given to you with purpose and love. A bond exists between you three, a bond which is unrecognisable to many, yet at this moment in time you all feel this energy within your third eye, as it sits there waiting for you to use in your practices of healing and spiritual bond.

The room seems dark and the candles seem to flicker in a specific way, as if they burn brighter and then dim. The hallway seems to be illuminated, but there is no light by artificial means. You are in a position of transcending your minds and allowing our energy to filter into your physical mind.

Tell her that the diamond she wears has no great purpose and will not lose its lustre as it sparkle in the light. The diamond that shines within the mind has many facets and each of these facets have a purpose to reflect the light of love to those who hold it dear.

There is one who feels a problem within their left shoulder, and this feeling is unique in its tenderness, as it tingles within. This feeling is not of the physical, but of the subtle changes in your spirit, you feel it in your meditation and as this pain grows in your left shoulder, you will become aware of who we speak, because this is an issue this evening. And it seems as though the troubles of the world are never ending, and your practices of love continue on despite the issues that beset you within your life. Hold those practices dear to your heart, allow the healing energies to flow to remedy the pain within your shoulder. Do not let them overwhelm you, for the truth lays within and the bond of love and friendship will be held dear by those who connect this evening.

She stops to think about the messages that are sent, she will speak to her husband and ask him if he understands the meaning of these things. He is wise and he will attempt to translate them the best he can, for he speaks of much wisdom that is held within his person and his spirit.

You are all connected, whether you understand this or not and you feel this energy surging this evening, and the candle brightens and dims as the energy pulsates through that room of love.

The room dims and the orbs are seen, the sparkles of light that represent the souls and spirit of that place as they come forward to receive the healing and the messages given from that place of light. They transform these messages into words so you may understand and believe in this evening, do not disrupt this sequence of events, but allow it to flow.

They will speak about these orbs and the flashing lights which are seen within their room and they seem to transform into hazy colours of purples and blues and unify in a colour of gold, then vanish as quickly as they came. These orbs of light are the union of spirit and they come to welcome you and your beings at this time. Allow your fear to diminish and have no fear of what you see, for these lights radiate love and they correspond to your requests of healing as they are given in prayer.

The loved one that we speak of is elderly and her thoughts are with her son this evening, for his blessings have been many and she holds dear the things, the thoughts that he has spoken to her. You must not lose hope, nor should she, for there is much love between them and the angels of light shine upon them. The orbs seen this evening in the room that they sleep in will bring memories of long ago.

She has spoken about many things of the past, some are of regret, but mostly of love and family. Take her hand now in spirit, welcome her to the angels of light as they whisper in her ear tender words of caring and love. Do not let the fear overwhelm you, for love is ever present within the universal love and light. Amen.

The Power of Peace – Mother Mary channelled by Anna Marie Croxson


It is the mind and the chaos which resides in the mind that causes you such disturbance, and when this rages within you, you cannot find inner peace.  But now you have to learn that you are your own master, and know that you can control what you think and feel, regardless of your circumstances.

The reason I mention this to you my dears, is that I too have felt confusion, fear, and desperation at many times in my life. And when I found my way back to God he reminded me that there was nothing to fear but myself, my imaginings, and I was told that I was not to let my thoughts of fear dominate me.

So I had to learn to manage this conundrum, gather my thoughts, deal with my fear, and move myself further into the light of my being so I could strengthen my connection with God.  Without my faith I would not have survived such trials and tribulations that beset me, and the many others who were around during that time. We faced very difficult and challenging situations in regard to my dearest son Jesus Christ.

So I know and understand your fears, I know the power that the mind can have over you, but I also know that you can learn to control the mind, control your emotions, and come into a place of peace.  You have the power within you, but many of you do not feel powerful, and often resort to sinking into depression and fear. It is a powerful and challenging lesson to let go of your ego, and let God come into your life, if you try to manage this on your own you may find this very difficult.

But if you surround yourself with people who have faith and who are willing to support you on your journey you can regain your power once more.  The world would have you believe that you are powerless, and that your opinions are worthless, or that your determination to succeed will be sabotaged.

But this is not the truth, and when you learn to harness the power of God almighty, know that he is almighty in every sense of the word. He is so mighty that he will send you miracles, he can send your prodigal back home, or may send financial help when you need it, because he knows your every want and need.

So even if your circumstances appear desperate, be happy in the knowledge that he knows what you need at any given time.  But this will happen in his time and he will award you the good karma you have created, but he will not take away any important lessons that you needed during your journey of spiritual awakening.

When you finally awaken to your soul’s desires, when you finally wake up to the life you are meant to live, and when you finally wake up to your own divinity, it is then you will find the key to inner peace.  

It is only a peaceful man or woman that can assist others in their hour of need, and in that moment, you have to be wise and strong for another, as you help to pull them out of a mire of their own making.  Make no mistake dear ones, the mire you find yourself in is of your own making, but you will find the courage, and with the help of God almighty you will see a clear way ahead for you in good time, in God’s good time.

We call him the almighty because he is just that, a powerful force of good, a soul of much compassion, and he knows exactly what is right for you at any given time. Often you do not know what is good for you, and you struggle and fight against the odds.

Do you did not realise that if you took a step back to take a longer view, and decide to trust him in your moment of need, then you would find peace, a peace that passes all understanding. Peace is intangible, you cannot grab it in your hand and lock it down, for it can be transient, just like the clouds in the sky, and as unreliable as your thoughts often are.

Try to remember that most of life is transient and flows like a summer stream, moving this way and that. So when you learn to go with the flow you will take another step forward to finding inner peace.  But most of all it is very important that you find yourself, by putting your full trust in God, knowing that he works in the most miraculous ways. It is then that you will see the most magical changes taking place in your life.

You see the beggars and the homeless on your streets and wonder how they came to be in such a sorry state. There are many solutions that cannot be answered here today, but just like you, they have a place in God’s heart and if they believe in God, they too will find their pathway home.  Often their troubles start with relationships and many run away hoping to find something better, but they have run away from the truth of their situation, and this is the first problem that needs to be addressed.

I believe that it was St. Paul who explained to us that our first relationship is with ourselves, and he was correct, because it is true, that wherever we go we take ourselves with us.  So even if you move away to another city, abandoning all your friends and family to make a new start, you cannot run away from yourself. You will have to be willing to face yourself before any true revelation can come to you.

This may appear a harsh judgement against you, but I assure you it is not, because to find true peace you have to be at peace with yourself and learn to accept yourself and understand you own essence.  You may have been told that you are not clever enough and others may have criticised you in some way. But understand when another criticises you, they are hurting themselves by degrading another.  So now you must find your true essence and learn to love the person you are today.

You must learn to stand tall and claim the power that you know you have within, and perhaps more importantly, you must learn to love God as well as asking him for help.  He will never abandon you, but he needs to see that you wish to help yourself when you truly seek another path in life. It will be one that will help empower you to live and love at the highest possible vibration that you can muster, and when he sees this effort, he will come to assist you and give you the support you have craved for so long.

During this process of enlightenment, you may also call upon my son, our dear Lord Jesus Christ who will embrace you with his love and compassion whilst understanding the depths of your suffering. And it is to Mary Magdalene, his female counterpart that you may ask to help you find the wisdom that resides in your soul, and it is to me, Mother Mary, that you may come to when you are seeking to find a mother’s love and compassion that will soothe and make you feel safe once more.

So you see my dears, you have a lot of help available and should you wish, you can ask us to intervene and support you during this most challenging time.  We are known as ‘The Power of the Three’ and have come together to support mankind to enlighten him further during his journey of ascension.

This is no lightweight task, but is one we intend to undertake with so much joy in our hearts, as we wish to see our dear children find their true place on earth. Your happiness is our happiness, your joy is our joy, and your pathway to peace is ours too.  You are a child of God first and foremost, you are not alone in the world, and you have a key part to play in the ascension of mankind. I understand you might want to resist this statement of intent, but I can assure you that it is true.

All who serve our lord have undergone their own period of suffering, but now it is time to release all that was in your recent past, and participate in the joyous future that awaits you right now.  You are a child of God, so know no man can put you asunder unless you allow it. Remember God represents power, and he is omnipresent, so you may ask him to help you at anytime.

But many of you do not believe you are worthy, and your cloak of unworthiness overshadows you like a big dark cloud. Now it is time to let any feeling of unworthiness leave you, because you cannot feel unworthy in God’s presence.   So tell him of your troubles and ask him to guide you, and trust him to tell you the truth, so you may find your own way back to finding inner peace once more.

The journey of ascension is not always easy, but we assure you that the more you trust, the more inner peace you will find. But this of course is work in progress and you have to become more mindful and not allow thoughts of old to rise up once more to haunt you. Remember how powerful you can become with God at your side, and listen out for his words of wisdom, follow them to the letter, for he will never lead you astray.

Trusting in God’s goodness is paramount, and if you are able to stay the course, you will never again feel fear in the face of confrontation, knowing that you will be supported every inch of the way.  So even if you are facing a challenge that concerns you, ask him to come to you and you will feel his power surge through you as he guides you every step of the way.

This is the new way of The Truth, The Way, and The light. Know you have to find the truth of you, then you will find your way forward and come into the light.  I know this may sound simplistic, but life is simple unless you wish to make it complicated. Get your mind under control, let go and let God and ask him to show you the way to the inner peace that you so crave.

Find your pathway to God and then you will find that your life will be peaceful. When you allow God to lead the way and get your ego out of the way, you truly will have found your pot of gold. Then you become a master, a master of your destiny, as you spread the love of God wherever you go.  This is your destiny, this is your calling and this is your father calling you home.  Have you heard the clarion call, have you heard the bell chime, have your heard his voice calling out to you?

You are his son or daughter and he is your father calling you home into his heart.  When you have this longing to be held by him and to serve him, all will be peaceful within you forevermore.  Find your God within, find your peace within, and find your soul within. Then you will have found the elusive peace that you have sought so long.  

God bless you dear souls, now go forth and multiply the word of God for all to hear, for all to see, and for all to feel. This is your soul’s mission to spread the word of God, so there may be peace within the hearts of all men, and then peace will reign sovereign in the world once more.

Mother Mary of Jesus

Anna Marie Croxson 

2nd August, 2021.

14-03-21 Mothers Day, Times of change, Oppression, Lockdown, Rebellion etc

Transcript Date: 14th March 2021 (Mothering Sunday in U.K.)

Mothers day thoughts

Tonight, many have special thoughts of their loved ones, those of the present and those of the past. They issue them with their love and never ending respect, for they were the mothers of many in the world today. Like all mothers, Mary once held her boy and cradled him in her arms, issuing him with unconditional love, bestowing upon him a mothers love that cannot be matched by any other. 

Joseph spoke to her once and asked her how she felt about being a mother and giving birth to the child of the Lord. She spoke so gently and quietly and said that it was an honour given to her by his blessing and by his hand. Their love continued throughout their lives, they never spoke of ingratitude, they were forever grateful for being chosen to be the parents of the Lord Jesus. 

It is the same for many today, their gratitude is given to their mothers and fathers for their being. It is also not to be forgotten that those parents long ago also gave their love indiscriminately, issuing their children with love and caring. 

United bond of strength

Togetherness forms a bond of united strength, and with that strength no other can intervene to break that bond of love. So it is with your world today, you should unite to fight the common enemy and achieve the goals in life you were set before you were born. Many ignore these things and will not abide by them, for they live their lives in a carefree way and manner, not standing by the rules, or opening their eyes to the fact that you are all connected as one.

Despite this, there are many who understand these things and abide by the laws of your governments and that of the Lord. They see that there is a better way, but these things elude them at this time. There is a great negative encompassing your world, it is only your love and togetherness that will break through this barrier, breaking the negative and allowing in the light so you may once more see each other clearly as brothers and sisters, and not as enemies or foes.

Oppression and discrimination

Oppression was great long ago, the Pharaohs words were obeyed through fear of the punishment that would be awarded. Your world today is no different, your leaders are not the humanitarians they would like to portray themselves as. They do not understand the lowly individuals of life who struggle upon their way to feed their children, to house them and give them the things that would nurture their growth. To compound these things, their education is lacking in the wisdom of the spiritual dimension. They are not allowed the opportunity to listen to the words of the good book spoken long ago, for fear of ridicule and segregation amongst those who attend these institutions and schools. We have told you once before, there is no one type of religion, for all religions have a basis in the same truth. You should not bring fear to each other with words from the men of power, but embrace each other without discrimination, anger or fear. 

The world is in disarray and the natural way of life is dismissed these days, for you are blinded by the obstacles of life and the fear of allowing another to intervene in your lives with a practice of love.

Much harm has been caused by these discriminations and they impregnate your minds with a constant barrage of propaganda from your nations leaders. 

Why would one man beat upon another because of his colour or religion? Why does one man fight another at the whim of their governments, or what they perceive to be their governments will?

It is time to be united people, bring an aspect of love to each other. In this format of love you will find peace and reconciliation amongst the peoples of the world. 

Hardships and divisions

The hardship of many has not gone unnoticed, not just within your country, but within many other countries that you perceive to be the ‘third world’, those poorer countries that are not issued with proclamations of love, because they are regarded as being ‘primitive’ in thought. But we would ask, who is it that is primitive in thought? Is it those who would live and abide by the natural laws given long ago, or is it those who impose their laws upon their countrymen, forbidding them access to these natural ways of life and ways of thinking? Truly you are like the lost children of the woods, you cannot see the ‘wood for the trees’. You must open your eyes children, bring yourselves hope once more as men of the Earth. 

You are the caretakers of your world and many abuse these God-given rights to embellish their homes with trinkets of gold or silver. They feed their own wealth without thought of others who wait in anguish for help. Even in your own wealthy countries, there are many who suffer at this time, they would give anything for the comforts of home, for food in the belly of their children and themselves, and they are reliant now upon charity. What has happened to your societies and how will it end if you do not come together as one and work together in unity?

If you do not come together, then these divisions will become greater and will spark riotous behaviour among many who feel intolerant towards the attitudes of your government. Do not be afraid to say these things, for we only speak the truth to guide you upon your path and journey of life. It is only your minds that shut out the truth. 

Lockdowns and rebellions

You hide yourselves at this time, afraid of being seen in public places. But with due care and attention, you still have unlimited freedom compared with other nations of your world who are beat upon by their masters unforgiving ways. You speak of rebellion because of your lockdown, but what do you really know about being oppressed by those in authority? You should consider yourselves lucky to live in the places that you do, for there are many within your world who suffer despair and great loss, unknown to you.

You are a nation of spirit, you are a nation of men who are segregated at this time, and once more we ask and implore you to unite, to band together to fight the oppression of those who would beat upon you and cause you harm through their ill thoughts and lies. We do not call for revolution, but we ask you to issue each other with love, and in response to others good wishes and love, you should respond in kind. Negative thoughts have no place within that world of spirit. Combat your fears and acknowledge that you live in a world in which men fight for no good reason at this time. 

We leave you with these thoughts this evening and ask you to progress your lives with love and caring for others, despite what you are told by the news media of your world.

Do not be ashamed to give thanks for your being and position in life, for there are many, as we have said, who suffer greatly and yet live with love for one another, without bias, without hate. We could speak much about the negative of the world and those men who would dominate others, for they have no thought of peace and love, but we will not speak about them this evening. We  issue you with love and goodwill. Good evening. 

New speaker

Wisdom and love

Wisdom comes to those who open their eyes and see the many things before them and embrace the love that surrounds them, the love of the world and nature, that you are all a part of. It is only the wisdom of their minds that can release them from the prison of life, to adorn others with their knowledge of love and being.

Perhaps you do not understand the wisdom we speak of. On the other hand there are many who will understand these things. Help yourselves to a better way, not with ignorance of mind or ignorance towards others, but with a caring thought and loving heart to lend a hand where it is needed. And on this special day, when your mothers and grandmothers are celebrated, be aware that their love is unconditional for their families. 

Abused children

It is true, there are those mothers of the world who have no care for their children. They beat upon them relentlessly because they are afraid of their future and jealous of the children of today. It is unnatural in many ways, yet nature has aspects of this throughout the animal kingdom, but you, as the human beings of life, have been endowed with knowledge and should know better, and because it is reflected in nature that a mother would reject her child, this does not mean to say that you should, as you are filled with the wisdom of spirit.

You should rise above these things and allow that love to flow without prejudice or fear for your own sakes. Your children are an investment for the future, they will always carry your love despite your indiscretions towards them. Even though they feel abused, that love for their mother and father will continue on despite these traumas of life. Many of these children will grow to be better adults and demonstrate to their parents the love that they should have initially shown to them. 

Times of change

These things are very complex and should be given great thought. Your world must unite, for it is the only way for you to survive as a race during the traumas to come in the future.

We have spoken of change and how this will bring fear and desperation in others, and at this point of time, change has begun in a subtle way, but many do not see these things, so they feel hard done by to be locked away and not permitted the freedom that they once had. But as we have said, you must reflect upon those of your world who are continuously oppressed and beaten upon, some are murdered for their beliefs, for their human rights. You are not in this category, what you are going through is a time of change that you must embrace and understand. As the spoilt child, you must now learn to live with respect for one another. So, do not abandon your hopes of freedom, but embrace what you have, for they are given with love by that of God and spirit.

Throw away your prejudices and stupidity at this time, work together as one to fight the battles of life and the viruses that afflict you. Assist those in other countries who are poor and unable to reap the benefits as you do within your side of the world. Do you think of them when you reject the things that are given to you? Think about how privileged you are to have this opportunity to live a more normal life, whereas they do not, for their governments hide away these beneficial things, the vaccinations and cures for their own greed and profit. They will not spend the money that is given by your unilateral agreements and governments, they use this to fill their own pockets, for their own benefit, regardless of how their countrymen suffer. They have no heart and their time will be short and sharp. They may think that life is for their benefit, but that was not their purpose and will never be their purpose. They will learn the lessons in other ways once they pass from the human race. You can be sure that injustice against others will not go unanswered by that of the light. We do not bring fear to you, for there are only a few that would fit this category. For all of you, for the most part, you are forgiven your sins, but you must unite as one, for these times are great and things in the future will come to pass that will overshadow your present dilemmas, as you see them.

God bless and good evening children of Earth. May your passage be filled with love and purpose once more. Amen.

02-10-20 Love and Respect, Second Coming, Fall of a Nation, Soul Families, Science of the Soul etc

Transcript Date: 2nd October 2020

Respect is given to many of your world this evening as they start to recognise that a new time is to come within the fall. It is not for us to say how this will occur but you must open your eyes to the path that man follows at this time, for it is disastrous in many ways. But we bring you hope this evening, that a time will come when all will see a better way of coexisting within the world of man and with the world of light.

Love and respect

We bring you purpose this evening, to respect us in the many ways of the Lord. We are envoys who will work in his name to bring you purpose, to follow and be guided by his light. It is not necessary to worship us, for there is only one, the Lord Father in Heaven who deserves this, and in a sense expects it from his children, just as your parents expect their children to give them respect. But alas, respect seems to be lost these days, even that of a child to the parent, they are endorsed (encouraged) by many other fools of your world to follow them, and not the example given to them by the elders of their families. They bring themselves disrespect and do not hope for the reward of love, nor will they give it.

The terminology spoken of this evening is not a prerequisite for all, but a given example of your day and age, when the youth of your day have no respect for many things of life. But hark, we hear you say, there are many who do, and we totally agree that they outweigh the many of the negative, and their purpose will be brought within a short time to sway the minds of those of youth who do not follow the example given by the almighty.

The lack of power and willpower will drive out all reasoning of love for some and they will comment many times upon the ‘net’, about their distaste for the human race at this time. It beggars belief that the children of the Lord have succumbed to these things in so many ways. But all is not lost, for all is forgiven if there is a will to ask for this forgiveness. Depressing times you may think when we speak about these things, but you must realise, that a time is coming as foretold in the Bible, when all men must face that final curtain as foretold long ago.

Discrimination and Fall of a Nation

Discrimination is rife and you have heard of the warfare of late. There is much to follow this in the teachings of Mark, Luke and Matthew. Bring yourselves hope this evening children, that a better time will follow, a time of love, respect and above all, unity of your world. Do not despair, for we are the guiding hand that will issue you with love. The brushstrokes of the artist will be seen as a method by which our word is spoken this evening.

Do not complain when we say that man is wayward in his purpose, for there are many gentle souls out there who will listen to our words and comprehend the meaning within. Tonight we must give you focus and you must help yourself to go inward even more. Your friends (Valerie and Kevin) sit at this time so you may join them as requested in thought and in prayer of healing for the world. Even the President at this time, for no man is unworthy of healing despite their reckless ways and mannerisms.

Keep calm and focus upon the things given in life, for all have purpose, all have the power to go within and bring the light forward, the light of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Do not accept words of praise, for they are not given for you or others, but for the things spoken of this evening.

To manufacture lies to influence others is a sinful practice and is operated by many of your world today, for they want control of your lives and your purpose as men and women of the earth. They do not respect your ways of living and do not see the awful truth that lies beyond.

We speak about many nations, not just those of your world at this time, for there are many nations upon the earth that exist, yet are not heard or seen of by many of the West. There is a reason behind this, it is so that these influences cannot show you the things that are hidden from you, and there is much hidden at this time, for the men of power and greed do not want your sympathy, they merely want your being as a slave to their purpose. Be forthright and overcome these overbearing odds at this time. Do not allow them to whittle away at your soul that you might break down in the communion of life.

Your forefathers told of many things to come, and that great nation will fall soon as democracy apparently disappears. You have seen how this is beginning to occur. You cannot help yourselves if you do not see the truth within these things, you are denied the obvious for their lies and yet you know of so many things that exist, contrary to what they say, yet you believe in this awesome power of your mankind.

You must convert your souls to that of the light, to bring yourselves peace. Do not be overruled by those who wish to dominate you with their practices of ill will. Become one of focus to see the truth that lies within.

New speaker

Triumphant bells are heard as the rabble begins to disperse, but the situation seems to grow worse every day to many eyes in the world. Time ravages man in many ways, and he speaks about things of untruth, and we would like to draw your attention to the matters at hand this evening, for they are many. We speak about things of the light and the power of our Lord, the Lord God, and yet many see the idols upon earth and praise them for their knowledge and wisdom, yet this is lacking in so many ways. Give thanks for your being everyday, for if you live in this part of the world then you have hope to overcome circumstances that may intercede with your lives.

Yet at this time there are many beleaguered by the viruses of life, by the domination of men of war and the catalyst that is to come within that great nation. We speak of doom and gloom, we are sorry to say that there are many things within your world that cause us to do so.

Second Coming and Chariots of Fire

But on a brighter note, let us speak of things about Mary and Joseph, the couple you know so well, whose son was born to your earth and given the light of God through his purpose. He still shines to this day within the hearts of many of your world, and despite the outwardly, and apparent influences that would misguide them. Do not be ashamed to speak his name, for he was the Messiah, the teacher of life who brought hope to many in those desperate times long ago, and he will do so once more in whichever form he takes, be it a man or a woman.

He will come upon the Chariots of Fire to bring you the truth from the Lord above. You may think these biblical terms to be inappropriate in these times, yet they are worthy, much more worthy of your world today. We speak of possible aliens and those who come from other worlds to dictate the terms and call themselves your God! It is true that many are deceived by the wonders that they bring, but the Chariots of Fire will come once more, they will burn bright in your skies to show you the truth of life, the truth and meaning of all who exist at this time, and will ever do in the future.

Focus on Love, Light and the Beauty of Nature

Do not focus upon your world at this time but upon your families and friends, upon the things of nature, like the butterflies who hibernate, their beauty is seen and yet they evolved as all must evolve.

Desperate times call for desperate measures and we will call upon you very shortly to join with those of the light to help overcome and overrule the negative thoughts of this world that persuade so many at this time.

Keep this practice burning, keep it alive so that the light shines. Bring hope to  others, for this is your purpose. Salvation will be given to all when the time comes for the truth to be told. We seek no recompense from you, we give you no favours, other than that to help others to see of the world to come. And so we speak of many things, of hard times, times to come, for the future is written like the lines upon of a sheet of music, the notes are played in a harmonious way so that many might recognise. Some notes are sweet and some are sharp, but if balance is brought to the words and the notes played, then truly, all will be well.

New speaker

Allow us not to intercede within your lives for you must follow this pattern of life, but all we ask is that you have a thought of love for others.

Anagram to solve

Malcolm (the spelling may be incorrect, the name sounds similar to Malcolm) will be back soon to ponder upon the things of your world, to give you direction and hope. A mysterious name, unfathomable to most and even to you, for you do not understand. It is an anagram of something to come. Your purpose is given amongst others, to fight this battle of light and dark and your times will be hard and seemingly unimportant to you, yet they have purpose in ways that you do not see at this time.

Souls are Linked

Your souls are linked, as in the chain of life and your patterns are familiar to each other, therefore you recognise a fellow soul. The chain that grows at this time with your group, will do so even more in the future. You feel helpless (Michael), to be in a situation whereby you cannot surround yourself with the souls of others who follow the words and follow the light. Do not despair, there are many reasons for this, as will become clear later. Pass your time of day in contemplation and thought of others and the well-being of those who suffer with illnesses and sicknesses of your life, for many will be short lived, but they must return to commence their practice once more.

Yours is no different, your fellow soul-mates, Valerie and Kevin, will  also be  witness to this. Terminations of life are many and we spoke of this once before to give you hope in the sad times to come. We hope to do this once more for others who feel that their world has come to an end with the loss of their loved ones.

Mother Mary

Mary would like to speak as a mother once more. “I recognise that you, my children, sit and ponder the things of life as your loved ones slip away to a world unknown to you. Yet I tell you this, that I am there as a mother to offer my help and guide them with my hand to that of the light.

There are many who do not wish to know me at this time and their focus is shaded by others who will persuade them that this is utter nonsense! Yet I tell you this, as my children I will not discriminate between you, despite your unattractive behaviour. For you are my focus, my son watches over you in ways that you cannot understand and those who are seemingly lost to the dark side of life will be guided once more with his hand of love and friendship.

Do not ask of me things about the material world, for I am here to guide you with love and respect, as a mother does to her children. Take my hand, call out my name ‘Mary’ for I was once a mother to many of the world.

My son laughed at me one day as I stumbled, but his grace overwhelmed me with his light. I do not speak of physical embarrassment, but that of the spirit and soul, His love was overwhelming, as is mine, his mother.

He watches over you all to bring you comfort in these times, the terrible times to come shortly. Know that his love is there and ask for his wisdom and his love to be within your hearts at this time. Continue on my children without fear, for we are there to uphold you in the grievous times. As we have said this evening, know that your loved ones who have passed to that of spirit are always guided and given a familiarity that they will not be afraid to pass to the light.

Each of you in turn must succumb to the termination of life, it is not to be feared, for there is revelation within this and you will see that your fears as a human being are totally unfounded. I grant you all peace and with a mother’s caress I hold you tight to my bosom that you may find peace in your lives and purpose once more as men of the earth, as spirit of the light. Amen”.

(Michaels note: at the end of this message I cannot begin to explain the love that I felt surrounding me, it was so warm and loving and I felt at peace within this feeling. If this is what it feels like when we pass to that of spirit, then truly there is nothing to fear.)

New speaker

To a parent of a child in spirit

Glad tidings are given to one this evening who asks the whereabouts of her loved one lost so long ago to the world of light. He is no longer with you yet your memories are strong of him. He passed as a child, which seemed torturous to you. Yet his passing was a joy to us. Once more he returned home to the world of spirit. You may ask yourselves who is this we speak of this evening, the mysterious words and the way that they are spoken could relate to many of life, and we will generalise this and speak to the many mothers and fathers who have lost their young ones so early in life.

Your days are tortured with not knowing how they are, do they still visit and are they still around you, holding you, caressing you within your love? And yes they do, no one although passed, forgets their time or their loved ones, for you are a family of spirit and the unity and bond is great, far beyond your knowledge at this time.

Bring yourselves hope and peace in your heart to know that they rest easy in the light. We speak of sons, but equally that of daughters. Some do not breathe the air of your earth, yet their purpose of spirit has grown within that gestation period of life. The soul that was created is of an old soul and will live on filled with purpose and love. You cannot bear to hear these words, for they were your children, but they are the children of the earth and of spirit. No one is truly separated from each other, and as we speak of the chain of life these souls are part of your chain, as are many others who interact with you everyday lives.

New speaker

About One Member of the Soul Group and the Science of the Soul (known to us)

One speaks of science and the inner body. We have to say that there is much truth in these words. He speaks about the spirit and soul, yet in a physical way so that others may understand. His terminology is strange to this man (Michael) but to others it opens their eyes to a new way of seeing things with purpose and hope inside. We predict these things will help many within your world. He hopes to write one day so that others may read of this inner being that exists within you all, the inner being, being that of spirit, in old terminology.

Perhaps there is a purpose for these things, and if there is a way to enter the minds of those who do not see at this time, providing these things are with love, then we have to say that we have no objections to this, for ultimately things of the Lord must be spoken of, things of the spirit.

Things of Cain and Abel, they were brothers set against each other just as in your time upon earth at this moment. You must see this inner being that you are and the creation that you were born in the light and love of the Lord, and if we need to reach you in unconventional ways, then this is not to be shunned but upheld and caressed.

Each of you have a purpose, you speak in terms of spirit and God and others speak in scientific ways of the existence of the inner body, the soul.

He is a man who will bring much illumination to many, and will show you the illusion of life as it is. His heart is good and his belonging is great within the circle of light that you build, help him to understand that spiritual being that lies within all of you, for it is not just an aspect of science, but that of the Lord and the creation of life so long ago. Life was given to many kinds of beings and creatures that you cannot conceive at this time, yet they exist to bring you hope in ways you may not understand. Strange to your eyes they will be, as they were long ago, and people of those times saw them as creatures of a different kind, perhaps related to creatures of the earth, for there was purpose in this so that they might understand and recognise. The true being inside was shown to many and will be to you in a time to come.

We spoke of Adam and Eve and there are  many, many theories about these things, but you must look to your inner self to find the truth and the answers that you seek. You know in your hearts about your spirit and soul and you know that of ‘the Lord is truth’ of the Lord Jesus, who will walk amongst you once more in time to come in the not too distant future.

Have faith my children, trust in the mother of love, for she bore a son to enlighten you all. Star beings you may call us, creatures of other worlds, yet the truth will be told that you are part of us in so many ways unknown to you.

That spark of life that ignited your kind will occur once more in many worlds as they develop. Like the specimens of a Petrie dish, we will observe you, recognise you for what you are and you will be aware of us. We are the guardians of the earth and we deeply respect your religious manner and we uphold that light of the Lord, so that it may shine upon you.

Your minds are fragmented (puzzled) at these things, mixed feelings perhaps given to many, many will not understand these words, yet many others will seek out the truth within them.

As the Angels of light, we grant you peace this evening within your homes, for the spark of love and energy and the chains of life are linked in so many ways.

Do not forget your purpose children, honour your mother and father and that of God and our Lord Jesus, the son of God. (They are) those of those biblical times who saw many things of the future through His words.

As your world culminates in this time, the truth will be heard as we have remarked upon. You may call it ‘The End of Days’, but we call it the new beginning and in your words, ‘A Testament to a New Dawn’ to come. Be guided not by your fears, but by the light that shines within you and others.

22-09-20 Mother Mary, Tablets of Stone, Tokens and Sanctions, Keep Faith! etc

Transcript Date: 22nd September 2020

(Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere

or Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere)

Tokens and Sanctions

Tokens are given to represent something of note, or perhaps purpose. There are many forms in which this takes, be it tokens of love, or that of achievement; or of that which is to come yet. We give tokens, in our judgement, to those who we deem essential in the fight against the dark and there is none so obvious as in these days of darkness, the dark veil which is to be lifted from your world in a short time to come.

Many sanctions are set against you and your lives feel as if they are not your own at this time, for you are dominated by those men of power who have need of you, for their own strength is gone if the will of the people will not follow their doctrines.

Allow us to speak this evening so we may share our thoughts with you. We are those ‘Beings of Light’ who communicate through you. You have felt our presence throughout the day, you know of our presence and we assure you that we will bring great comfort to those who will fall in the dark times ahead.

Be under no illusion that life is threatened at this time, but we are the ‘Angels of the Light’ and we will be there to give you this light to share amongst the others of your world, not just those who connect with us, but to all of humanity and the creatures of the world.

Guidance Given as Needed

Stone Age’s have passed and it was written long ago of the things to come for the future and so it is that we tell you of these things on a need-to-know basis.

Do not be disheartened by those of your governments at this time, they too are guided by thoughts which are not their own. Bring peace to your lives and know that a time will come when men will walk freely once more, without fear, without domination of others or dictatorship.

It is a long path ahead and many will stumble upon the obstacles and the twists and turns will be many that affect your lives. You may, or may not see the judgement upon others, and we will say this, that revenge has no purpose within your lives, it carries no weight and should be ignored, for there is much purpose within all of you to follow in the light with forgiveness in your hearts.

Source of Energy

The determination of others to bring you a source of energy, power, will lighten your lives, but strength is needed to guide your arm in this matter. Don’t be distraught at the things men say, for their lives are dominated by others who are not seen at this time, their credentials are dubious at best, but their hearts mean well in their eyes.

Keep Faith!

Together you must fight as a union of men, women and children to bring a better future for yourselves, do not lose hope, but have faith in the many things of the world to come, for it beckons you, unbeknownst to you.

Many feel that their lives are worthless and have been spent without due regard from others, and yes, some live their lives in ignorance of the things around them, but they are not wasted, for each life has a purpose, as we have told you many times before, you must bring this purpose to the fore and not allow the thoughts of darkness to deceive you.

You too Michael, are persuaded at times that these things, perhaps should be put to one side for a time, but you continue on with strength in your heart and we appreciate this, for it is hard at this time for men of the light to shine brightly within your world. You see others compliment each other upon their purpose and their focus, but you are all equal in this purpose, there is no need to highlight one another in these things, just bring peace to your mind and allow the purpose to flow throughout your being. It is commonplace for others to look to you and say “What gain is there in what you do? What purpose does it hold for any of us?” And we will say this, the purposes is love, of the community spirit and a sense of being part of a collective upon Earth and not as an individual.

Tablets of Stone

Frankincense and myrrh were given to him in a time before yours, these were a form of preservative and of a fragrant nature, they will be given once more for the purpose intended, written so long ago. The tablets of stone will be mentioned once more and they will be seen as abbreviations of meanings, of words from the past. Not many will understand these things and they will attempt to put together their own version of what they see, yet the true meaning is really lost to time. But these tablets of stone have a great energy within them and the bearer would realise this as they sense this vibration. You will not see these things and perhaps they will be hidden from your eyes, for they are of a nature of the past and what you would call the occult.

What is the occult? True, there is the dark side, the dark nature of people that would corrupt many things of the light and the teachings given, yet much truth is held within these tablets of stone, yet to be discovered within the deserts of Egypt.

The people there are of an ancient species, unknown to you in this day and age. Their ancestors tore each other apart for the greed and avarice of the land that surrounded them. They built the great obelisks that you see and these obelisks possess an extreme amount of knowledge and power, yet they lie disregarded in your day. They were revered in their times and their energy that was felt was channelled through these things by that of who you would call a priest, a ‘soothsayer’ perhaps, a man who was able to connect with the next world of spirit. Things of Fables you may say, stories to be told to children of the ancient Egyptians, and yet their symbols are from an ancient race far beyond your human capacity and minds at this time. (Michaels Note: At the end of this sitting I had an image of a symbol placed in my mind of a triangle crossed by an eagle’s wing.) Do not think of them as being of the old days or of the ancients, for those symbols stand to this day, and if read in a particular way they would guide humankind to a better path of living.

Their civilisation collapsed, it was fraught with much unease between the peoples, for the haves and have-nots widened the gap, just as it does today. Civilisations must work in unity and not segregation, or that of greed and power. The truth will be spoken, your truth will be spoken as time progresses and we will say this, that your civilisation as it is, cannot withstand the disagreements within nature at this time.

Actions of Mother Earth

She (Mother Earth) will rebel in ways that you may not be aware of, a tremor will be felt soon within your beloved country, it will measure 5.2 in your scale (Richter Scale) and it will shake the very foundations of the homes that it affects within the North, the Northern Regions. Much greater ones shall be felt as the planet begins to restructure to remove the old and replace with the new.

Your bodies work in much the same way, your skin is shed and is renewed on a daily basis, you look at this and call it ‘dust’, dust to dust, ashes to ashes and just as it is with this, then so it is with the Earth. Do not to be frightened of this, for there is a natural course in all things of life that must be taken, for it flows like a ‘river of life’, obstructions will be met, but they will be addressed as and when necessary.

Time will come again when men will look to one another as brothers and sisters, but it will take a great deal of energy within yourselves to do this. Do not despair at the things we may say, but know that your futures are set. They can be changed, or maybe not be changed, it’s up to you, but have belief in the things that you do and do not govern upon your Earth, for there is much held within the spiritual world that will guide your lives, your very beings upon your paths.

Mother Mary

It is time to mention one who wishes a word this evening, she is far away and yet so close. We have granted her an audience to say this, that although she may be upon a distant star, her light shines bright. The equinox of the evening will be upon you and this star will shine brightly as she exposes your world to her light.

Mysterious words, meaningless to most. But astrology has played a part in your lives so often in the past. It has guided and restructured your civilisations time and time again, evidence is found throughout the globe, throughout the world. We spoke of ‘She’ who wished to speak, and we spoke of a star, and her light shines. Welcome her this evening as the mother of all upon earth.

“I cradle you in my arms, holding you, baptising you in my love and care, Mother Mary I was, my child was born to change the world of men. I knew of no such thing at the time and I was shunned for my child to be, yet he was the star that shone the light of heaven upon all of your world. Take his hand if you will, within your hearts, let my light guide you as the North Star shines exceptionally bright, for I am here with the wisdom of a mother and the guidance of a mother, to help you understand that life has great meaning and you are my children, the blessed ones.

I am sorry to see the situations arising that do not represent my beliefs and my truth. As all parents you love your children and guide their steps as best you can, some will be wayward, others will follow in your steps and bring the meaning of love to others. Is this the truth you may ask, am I really speaking of these things? Do you need to question the words given? Would you question your mother at this time of need within your world?

There is a plague that is set upon man at this time and it will take much courage and love to break this. You can only do this as a family, as the family of man. Don’t fail me for I am your mother who watches over you with great pride and love for you all.

My son will follow shortly to bring hope once more to the world of men, but first a fall must come, and as a child, like most children do, they fall before they learn. Combat your fears and gather your strength, for it will be needed shortly to expel that dark within your world.

A cure will come, miraculous it may seem in such a short time, but remember these times, for they are a precursor to what could be if your path is not corrected.

It is time to gather your thoughts and wisdom. The truth will be told once more upon the tablets of stone to be found within the sands of time.”

23-08-20 Refugees, Meditation, Mother Mary, What is God? Progress of the Soul, Riots and Troops etc

Transcript Date: 23rd August 2020


You call them ‘Boat People’, refugees of your life. There are many like them within your world, looking for sanctuary and peace and yet finding none. Your people shun them as if they are alien to the world and yet they are of your species, seeking only peace and harmony within their lives.

Many have become corrupt in their efforts to reach that ‘sanctuary’, as they see it, this is a shame, as their hearts are good and all they want is peace, yet they are denied this through the authorities of your world who see them as a plague within your country. They are your spiritual soul companions, they are just as you, but in different circumstances trying to lead a life, a better life for themselves and their families. Do not be ashamed to call them your friend and your work colleagues, for they are (the same) as you. Continue reading “23-08-20 Refugees, Meditation, Mother Mary, What is God? Progress of the Soul, Riots and Troops etc”

14-4-20 Passover, Lessons, Battle Fear, Tampering with Nature, Second Coming

Transcript Date: 14th April 2020


Quality of life was given to He who walked the Earth in so many wondrous ways. He performed miracles as he walked and roamed your earth, both as a man and as a spirit. He came to this world not expecting love, but giving it nonetheless.

Tonight it has been Passover for many and blessings are brought to those who have a need in their heart for love in these extreme times. (Passover: 8th – 16th April 2020)

Light in the sky

Tonight has been another (evening of) strange events occurring. Many will see these things and ask, “What was that, the light from above that shone so bright?” Was it the North star or was there something else not reported or recorded? Continue reading “14-4-20 Passover, Lessons, Battle Fear, Tampering with Nature, Second Coming”

08-01-19 Mothers and Fathers, Parenting, Message from a Mother in Spirit to her Children, Averted Disaster, The work of Mediums

Transcript 8th January 2019

Close your eyes now, shut out the worries of the world to bring focus once more this evening. With charity in mind and hope in your heart of the resurrection of the light once more within the lives of men.

You cope with your world in various ways, each man is different and separate from the other. The paths that you walk are long and hard at times, but they bring you blessings in many ways. Subsequently, you will warm to the thoughts of love as your being enters the realm of the light. Continue reading “08-01-19 Mothers and Fathers, Parenting, Message from a Mother in Spirit to her Children, Averted Disaster, The work of Mediums”

12-06-18 Mother Mary, Hope, Change and some Personal Messages

Transcript 12th June 2018

‘Twas once long ago, that men strived for knowledge of that being of love. They focused their minds eye upon his purpose to bring a wisdom to the many who were ill at ease. The wisdom engulfed many of the world at that time and they gave thanks for his being and presence at that time. Many saw him as a man of possibilities, but many also saw him as a threat to their moral existence.

Be not afraid this evening as we accompany you upon a path of knowledge. Guidance will be given as we speak through this person this evening. Continue reading “12-06-18 Mother Mary, Hope, Change and some Personal Messages”