27-09-20 Plight of Students, Leaders and Governments, Faltering World, Love Cures All etc

Transcript Date: 27th September 2020

Combat your fears my son, bring blessings to those who will listen to the words of spirit and guides.

Love cures all

Tonight is a special night when romantic thoughts are given to loved ones, with passion of the heart and love everlasting given by the saviour of life, so you may acquire a fundamental knowledge about the love of spirit that exists within you all. Tear apart those feelings of negativity and anger, for love will cure these matters of the heart.

We have purpose for these words this evening and you must listen carefully, for they possess much knowledge and meaning to many of your world at this time. All too often we see those with a broken heart who are flippant in their ways as the anguish builds inside. You must never give up hope of a better way in a time to come. And so it is with the world of spirit, we bring you much love and good tidings this evening as you sit within your homes, devouring the knowledge of the many activities that you pursue.

Do not be ashamed to say that your time is wasted in these pursuits, for they are given with much practice to help you on your journeys of love and life. Fortunately there are many who will listen to these words and bring a thought to their minds of the possibilities that are abound within the future of mankind upon this earth, this creation of the Lord.

We often speculate that perhaps a turning point will come within the near future, a guiding light that you would all see with your eyes, but alas there are many who will not open their eyes to these things. But no matter, they will come around in due course, be it in this life or the next.

Guidance and Schools of Life

Have focus this evening, allow our words to sink deep within your hearts and minds so you might give a thought to the things that obscure your eyes at this time in your life.

Do not be afraid to express yourselves, allow freedom of thought to wander in and guide your thinking, because very often these are the thoughts of spirit to help you upon your way, the tutors of life.

Why do you need this guidance? All pupils of life, whether it be in your schools and institutions of study, need guidance and someone to help them through their time. This is our purpose, for you are the children of the light, you are the pupils of the ‘School of Spirit’ and our thoughts are given to you in hope that you will absorb them and learn, for there are many things hidden from you within your life.

You are unaware of your true being and that of others who walk with you and exist at the same time. Their love, and loving fragrance are sensed as you walk your lives and you meet like-minded souls who have a purpose within your life. For all, there is a companion who will walk with you. Some would say they are desolate and that there is no one, but we say, open your minds and hearts, listen to your innermost thoughts, for they betray your feelings of negativity. Never let the sadness in your heart overwhelm your lives, for life is a short-term in which you live. The joys will be many in a time to come, but for now, as the pupils of the school, you must sit, listen and learn.

Leaders and Governments

Concentration is paramount, it aids and abets your daily lives and you focus upon those things most important to you, never more so than now, when speculation is rife of an uprising of your planet’s climate. The change in people’s attitudes to those who overrule them within their lives, to govern them in their ways. But it must be said, that leaders are necessary. Unfortunately at this time there is no true leader of the light. Become aware of your abilities people, for they are many.

He sits on his rostrum dictating the words to his people, spelling out the many things that he desires within the near future. Yet he too is led by another, hidden from view. You may ask, who is it that we speak of? And we would say ‘The Leader of the Commons’, (Boris Johnson) but you must respect his rule, he will make many mistakes and be misguided by those who dictate the terms and conditions by which he governs.

Seldom has there been so much disillusionment within your world, as fear is rife in the viral things that plague your earth at this time. The leadership has forgotten its people for its own self needs. An uprising is forecast as the freedom is denied, yet this freedom will come at a great cost to many. This is not by any means a threat, it is a fact.

Political doctrines will tell you that the elected leader must be obeyed and his parliamentary committee observe and make note of those that will display an attitude of ill will against them. Soon the oppression of your world will become apparent, as your leaders begin to pressurise those in many societies of your world.

Inspirational words to some, yet we forecast many things to come. We do not speak of revolution or the need to rebel, for the voice of the people will be heard. His term of office may run for a long time, yet his words will not be heeded, as he too succumbs to those lesser beings who would persuade him in other ways.

So many minds at this time are easily led and we can only say this, that you must look inward to the thoughts that are given by us. It seems a never-ending cycle in your life, that those in authority should not be trusted, yet who would you trust in this day and age? There has to come a time in the near future when change must occur, it has happened time and time again, as revolutions and uprisings begin, and the civilisation begins to fold in upon itself.

The Right Path as the World Begins to Falter

Why is it that man has the need for greed? It certainly does not come from us. It is up to you to lead upon the right path and follow the guidance of your teachers and guides. Many feel detached from these things and will live their lives at will, holding no responsibility for their actions. But there must come a time when one must judge them on their merits, it is not for you to bring justice to yourselves through violent means or actions, this can only be achieved by peaceful intentions and love. Hard to bear in the extremes of this world you may think, yet you must endure these things for a time.

Hotshots race around your world declaring themselves the ‘number one’ of your species, their intentions are futile and for what purpose do they feel the need to do this? Hard words to understand, yet they are relevant and you will begin to understand these things.

As your world begins to falter, it is not for us to say who these people are. Perhaps they will become obvious to you in the future. But we foresee a time of peace once more, when those of a destructive nature will no longer be a force within your world. They call themselves ‘The Elite’, ‘The Hotshots’ of your world, but who are the elite within your planetary system?

We can only say this, that man’s integrity is lacking at times, yet there are those who focus upon us to help bring these words forward that others do not listen to. “What utter nonsense!” you may say, but is it really? Do you really understand your lives and your purpose? Your well-being is paramount to us and we will do all we can to guide your steps on the path of the light. It is time to declare yourselves a free spirit who will follow that light and not the doctrines of others who would deter you from this path given.

Looking to the Skies for Help

Time and time again we speak in hope that the people will listen and bring a thought to their minds. Yet they look to the skies in hope of relief from those of other worlds, and yes there are those who will help, but they are no more than you, as living beings and creatures of other worlds. You must look to us, within that energy, that life force that affords you all your life, in whatever nature you exist.

Unfortunately we cannot reach all, and tonight this man sits and focuses upon our words in hope of something dramatic to be said, yet these words are filled with reason and love. You may say we speak of revolutions, things of the negative, but we do not uphold these things, we merely point out that these things can occur if the inner self is not permitted to reach out to guide your hand.

The Plight of Students, the Virus and Consumerism

Students may say, “But we are the young, why beckon us to school only to condemn us once more? Were you not young once, were your days of youth not filled with excitement and a future to look forward to?”

There will be a time for us to reach out to these young, to help them upon their way in life, for they are the future of mankind. Do not despise them or hate them for their actions, for you too were once young and full of life. Grant them licence, even though it may seem impractical these days. You fear the virus that is carried by the young, yet your term of life will be as was meant to be, and if you are taken in turn by these things that affect your world at this time, then that is what is meant to be.

Protection is granted to all who reach out for the light and ask for the love of the Lord and spirit. Your loved ones look on in horror at the situations at this time, yet they know the reasoning behind it. We have told you this is about self-harm, you brought this upon yourselves, not directly, but indirectly through your measures of life, through your consumerism, through the things that you buy and purchase.

Each has a responsibility to act in a sensible and responsible way, you cannot accuse another unless you look to your own and bring reasoning to your mind. We do not condemn those who have succumbed to these things, for it is a part of living and the temptation held within, but it is time to deny them these things, your custom.

“But how do we live?” you may say, “How would we survive without the modern day instruments and communications that we have?”

Look to the past and see how they survived at that time, did they have the instruments of your day? No, they had each other and each looked after the other in a more personal and direct way, for it has become indirect in your day now, when one can speak to one another upon many subjects far away from each other.

The love and guidance that is given to each other through your thoughts is now in danger. It is imperative that your social behaviour changes, for these modern times bring many benefits and yet many pitfalls also.

Do not self-harm by use of the negative substances within your world, do not succumb to the temptations that are given in the name of good fortune, the only fortune you should seek is the love in your heart towards yourself and others.

Help us to Reach Out

Help us to reach out this evening Michael, call them by name and we will answer them in a time to come. Do not whisper your prayers, but speak them loudly so they may be heard. We say this to you all, how many times have you said ‘God help us’ and yet you use this term loosely and not in the way that it should be.

Desperate times will call for desperate measures as your people race around trying to alleviate the symptoms of the world. Do not condemn yourselves with ill thoughts for each other, or ingratitude. Focus upon one another and follow that good sense you were given long ago, for this will once more bring calm to your world, to your cities.

‘The Seven’

The truth has been spoken by ‘The Seven’ the circle of light that sits and communicates with many. Our speakers are many, our wisdom is great. The greatest of all is yet to be heard by many of your Earth, for he is the creator of all. We do not sit in judgement, all we ask is that a thought is given to those of  spirit from where you came. You are no different to us, there are no racial differences or grievances, for you are all one of the same and the only change is your outward appearance.


We have witnessed many times the discrimination against one another, you cannot conceive that soul or that person who is different to you is also exactly the same as you, a part of you. What would you say if we were to say, that perhaps in a reincarnation you may be sitting and standing in his shoes? You may be on the receiving end of these things, how would you feel?

If you would not fancy this, then remember to be courteous and kind, not to discriminate because of colour or creed, or perhaps even from another world. Take note of these things this evening, bring purpose to one another in the hope of a better future, free from tyranny, worries and imbalance. You must work and live together as the human race, for you are all of the same spirit regardless of where you were born, where you come from.

Love denotes many things of purpose, and this is given this evening in the hope that you will understand our words through this being (Michael) to yourselves. If you cannot accept these things and find them distasteful, then your practice of love wanes. Take care not to lose sight of your purpose, for all will once more sit within the sight of God.

Amen and good evening to you all from that of the ‘Seven’.

New speaker

Commerce and Money

Commerce and monetary funds, the all important factor at this time, over and above that of life and people’s well-being. We see this constantly at this time, and yes a balance needs to be struck, but equally the true wealth is within yourselves and your purpose in being. Do not override your thoughts of thinking that money and wealth are all that is needed, you need each other in these times and the circumstances seem grave at the moment to many, when they cannot circumnavigate the earth to enjoy themselves or bring pleasure to others.

What is more important, we wonder, to the governments of your world? All we see is that they have their hands in many pockets and that your survival depends upon your economic resilience, but really it doesn’t, your survival depends upon your love for one another and your purpose in being.

Blaming the Youth

Do not harm those by your irresponsible ways and behaviour. We see the young that will have their time, just as you had yours. Yet it is the minority who cause these issues and each are tarred with the same brush by those in authority, declaring that you, the youth of the world, are the problem and the cause. Really? Do you believe this? It is not the youth of the world that causes these issues, it is the greed and the factor that all things living have a purpose in the accumulation of wealth.

You deceive your eyes by blaming the youth, when the men of purpose will expose you to many things of nature that are alien, even in your own world, to yourselves. We speak of the viruses and diseases that you are exposed to as you clear the many forests and jungles of the world, the very lungs of your world. You will begin to choke as the Earth can no longer breathe without these things.

Yes, it is those who should know better that cause the issues of today. Do not blame the youth for they are beginning to see the corrupt ways of those in authority. Trade is important, we understand this, and it has always been important throughout the existence of man, even to the creatures of your earth there is a trade off for everything that is given. But do not let it overrule your lives, for you must see a way of balance, not derision, that perhaps one should not outweigh the other.

Complement your lives with a purpose to bring balance once more, ask the youth to bring their resilience to the fore. There are those, we know, who at this time don’t have a care, but the lesson will be taught to them if they are not careful. Nothing within life comes without consequences, for all your actions have an equal reaction, as was told long ago by the apple that fell upon the head of Newton.


Take heed to the words this evening, and if love is not a factor in your life and you do not have a care, then you can be sure gravity will bring displeasure to you. But we issue love, not threats and warnings. Even those who are led astray will once more find their way upon the path of light. So be tolerant of the youth of your day, help and guide them with common sense in measures of love, do not ridicule or persecute them, for they too have their time to come, and they too must find their way within the world of man.

We leave you this evening and thank you for your tolerance of our words and we leave you with love and a caress so gentle.

Congregate if you will with your minds, to bring each other purpose and thought, for as we have told you, you are connected in so many ways that you do not understand, for you are all part of the same energy, the same life force that drives all life, wherever it may exist.

Good evening.

We are the Arcturians who speak.

03-09-19 Arc of Light, Suffering of Mother Earth, Serpent Beings, Sightings, Time

Transcript Date: 3rd September 2019

Welcome my friends, please join me that we may band together with purpose this evening.

Welcome. Your life has become one of purpose this evening and we appreciate your thoughts and concerns for the many things of life and light. Help us to understand the reason why men purposely and systematically destroy the Mother (Earth) that nurtures them. Continue reading “03-09-19 Arc of Light, Suffering of Mother Earth, Serpent Beings, Sightings, Time”

28-04-19 Profound Lessons from Guides, Meditation, ‘The Cloud’, The Silver Cord, Adam, Map of Life, etc

Transcript Date: 28th April 2019

Communicators: Beings from a Circle of Light

She came like a breath of wind on the breeze of the day to offer mankind a welcome, to bring them peace and everlasting joy within the world of spirit.

There is much we should tell you this evening. To allow you to understand we will be making things clear, with a clarity of voice that you may hear the words and the reception of spirit within you all.

Target your emotions my children, allow not the focus of the dark to become your ally. Be strong, have strength in your beliefs and your wisdom, for this is what will carry you through the turbulent times of men of war and peace. Be strong in heart and in your will, and allow only the thoughts of love to triumph within your lives. For as always, there will be times of stress and strain when you will need to recount these words.

Adam – Choosing our Path

Let Adam speak this evening, that he might guide you, for you are his children, not in the sense of a blood relative, but of a spiritual guide that assisted so long ago upon your world men. Such legends exist these days, they are considered not to be a fact, but we will argue with this and say that where there is fact, there is always wisdom, and those of the negative would hide the truth from you. So be blessed and listen to him and his words this evening my children.

“Be grateful for the things that you possess within your life, no less your spirit and your courage of heart. I was raised in Canaan and I bore much sacrifice to bring you life this day. The words were spoken through me that I should be the father of the children of earth, and you will recognise me as their character from the history of the Bible. My words were brought forth to the world of men, not to encumber him, but to bring him joy and knowledge of the Being of Light, the creator of all, man, earth and the star dust that is a part of you.

Adam, Eve and The Serpent

Never be afraid to speak your mind when those who would doubt my words come forth and say, “This is merely a fable, a story to be told to children to encourage them to follow in the steps of those of the wise.” And I am of the wise, and you know full well my story of the temptation of Eve and the bringing forth of the serpent. And he (the serpent) will rise once more within a short time, you will fear him, and rightly so. But we acknowledge that there are many influences upon your of earth, of good and evil, and it is your good sense and judgement that would guide your steps upon the correct path of life.

We do not torment you with the Scriptures, but ask you merely to consider their truths. For in the words of the Holy Bible, of the Koran, and of the many words of the many prophets, there is truth, truth for all men to read and see.

Your faith and trust have wavered of late, and the shadow of darkness has overcome many within your world at this time. And we would favour those who would ignore these beings of corruption and look to their paths and their light within. We speak in terms of long ago, and we understand that many would be adverse to listening to these things, but the truth nevertheless lies within.

How can we help and assist you in your world today? You have an open heart and an open mind to those things that were so long ago, for they brought you teachings in many things of life, love and spirit. Would you ignore this for the sake of a few glittering objects that belong to the world and cannot leave that place of birth? For it is your souls, your heart and truth that you would take with you.

Many understand this and many more refuse to listen, they adhere to the words of those who would tell them false stories of false prophets and they would bring much disrespect in your lives if you would let them. Guidance will be brought and as many turn from their paths on this day, to look for a new way, a better way to live, for the communion of man was never meant to be that of the dark.

Garden of Eden

Your planet was created at the Garden of Eden and look around you to see the beauty that lies within. Not of the oil rigs and the mass production of fossil fuels that contaminate your world and kill the many species that you would rely on to survive. Many do not understand this and the connection of these things, but each and every one of you, from the minutest microbe to the mightiest beast that walks your earth or swims within your oceans, you are all dependent one another, and this is not forgetting Mother Earth who bore you and gave you life.

And your souls, including that of all creatures that walk your world, are that of the spiritual energy that exists beyond your world within another dimension that surrounds you and absorbs you.

There are those that shut their hearts and minds and close their eyes to the truth, as the physical is all they see. They are the ones who are need of rescue at this time. We do not condemn those who struggle with these words, but we will ask them to clear a passage in their minds that they may consider in the modern way, the aspects in which we speak.

Freedom of Thought

To bring freedom to your mind is to bring freedom to your soul, then you will travel far within the realms of light, as other creatures of other worlds, as other beings of other times. You are restricted in your thoughts and we will acknowledge to those that believe of the time travellers, as this is not an impossible advantage, but alas, they cannot affect the path in which you walk. For it is your choice as the children of God to take your path as you judge fit. And we implore you to choose that of the light, for your despair will be great if you should choose the path of the unwise.

Be knowledgeable, refresh your minds your energies and spirit of the place from whence you came, and become the human being that would turn your world and the ravages of time into that of Eden once more.

Turn to the Light

But alas, things move on at a pace, and we know this. The extremes of your earth will be recognised as they are at this time, they will become worse and we would implore you to change and turn your path at this time, that you may see the wretched behaviour of the men of the world who bring you doom for the riches and the wealth that they cannot hold onto.

Their thoughts are unfortunately deep within their set ways, but there are some who would look for a better way and for the answers of life. And who better to turn to than the Being of Light? But they rely upon the words given to them, taught to them in their schools, colleges, universities and the places of education upon your earth, and they too are turning to the dark, rejecting that of the light in favour of popular belief.

Do not be afraid to question your way or to look to others to see how they progress their lives and the pattern that they follow. For there are all kinds of different movements within your world at this time. Some would be of the dark and many, we would say the majority, are of the light. And yet so few would leave their lives of want and need for fear of their ‘reputation’, for fear of rebellion from others who cannot see this way as being the good way.

Be your own person, encourage your spirit to learn the things of life, and those things will in turn bring you the courage to follow your convictions. Help yourselves to a better way, be not the slaves of those who only seek purpose in your being. Look to each other and see that spirit and soul within, for the energy that gives you life is no different to their own.

There is no End

How can we make you understand this? You see death, and your loved ones pass from the world and their bodies go limp and die, and we talk of all creatures, of humans who are of the animal kingdom, and of those that you call the animals. And you feel all is lost for their life is gone, but this is not so, their bodies have ceased for whatever reasons, be it illness or neglect, or just the natural way. But their energies persist and continue on, and there is no end to evolution of the light and that of spirit.

Those that lose focus and lose their way are brought purpose once more, for no one is condemned or doomed to a life of servitude within the world of spirit. There are many levels that we have spoken of before, it is up to you to create that level upon which you would walk once your bodies have ceased in this world of the physical.”

New speaker

Triumph this evening, humph! We must applaud those who would look to us and listen to the words given, for the Scriptures are many within the words spoken through this being of light, and you too can be a part of this overall success, should you have a wish to do so. Some have expressed a wish of being able to focus and to commit to the path of light, and it is only your own will that stops you from doing this.


An expression of being is that of love, of tolerance, and charity, and we hear so many say of charity these days, that it is run and overwhelmed by those of greed who would take every little penny and give but a few. This is a sorry state of affairs, but when we speak of charity, we do not speak of the financial times or terms in which you live, we speak of the charity of the heart, of your senses, and your will to drive this further that you may help others within their lifespan.

And of course we spoke of your senses, and this plays a huge part in all of your lives, for you are given these intuitions to guide your way, that inner voice that speaks to you and says things of advice and wisdom that are seldom ignored, yet never acted upon. Because you believe it is your own minds that speak and you cannot accept that your connection to spirit is continuous despite your living years.

Parable of the Robot

Shall we explain it in your terms? Imagine yourselves as the robot, the toys of your children, and you are connected by a wire to the control box, and who is controlling this robot? But a greater being, that of your child. And as you feel these remote signals pass through, so you act upon them, and you are continually connected to this remote control box. You are compelled to act upon the signals received. Should the batteries fade and die or should that energy continue?

Never think of energy as being ‘deceased’ for it is always within the atmosphere of your lives, and we too use the same method through the silver cord of your bodies that link within your minds eye, and we whisper to you words that are transmitted as signals, and you hear them! You say that, that little voice in your head has spoken, and you may sometimes follow that advice and sometimes you may not.

Unlike the toy robot, your energy and your life force has a free will, and therefore although we may send signals remotely to you through this cord of life, it is up to you to act on it, and like the servos of the robot, actions occur dependent upon the signals received. This is an extreme way to speak to you I know, but we have to speak in your terms so that you might understand that the signals we send to you through those wires of life are sent with love, and advice to direct you in a positive way. (Note: A servo is a device that takes and follows instruction from a control mechanism – found in remote control robots and planes etc)

But as we said, you do have free will, and if you would wish to act against the things then confusion will occur. The servos of your body will be in opposition, as are your thoughts. Should I go this way, should I go that, what should I do? Which is the right decision to make? And you may follow your heart and listen to your minds thoughts, because the guidance given is there, and we would remark that also there is that of the negative that will also influence you, but you know in your heart the truth, you know in your heart the true way to go. Many will ignore this at times, much to their detriment and when things occur because they have made the wrong choice, then they will think to themselves “Oh, how I wish I’d taken that path, why was I such a fool?”

And this man who speaks through and to you this evening, this man who is the instrument by which we speak, he knows of these things, because he has also acted as the fool and has also questioned his behaviour after the fact.

You are all fallible, none of you are perfect, although there are those who would think so. But you all make mistakes in life, and we understand this and we are very forgiving for these things. It is the severity of the crime that would match the punishment, if you would like to put it in that term. But once more we must emphasise that no punishment is given within spirit, only learning and teaching.

Parable of Spiritual Learning

And once more we can explain this within your terms of life. Should you go to school and you are academically inclined, then you will rise to the top of the class and the benefits to be seen will be many. For as a student of life your academic mind will bring you many things un-thought of, but those who do not succeed and deliberately obstruct their path of learning, then they fall to the bottom of the class, not a dunce in your terms, not a silly person, but someone who’s just lost the way and has no ability to focus.

And then of course there are those who are in the middle ground, and they look, and they have the ability, as all of you do, but they don’t know which way to turn, for their friends influence them and say “Why are you such a swot, why would you do these things because you are compelled to? Why not follow us and be disruptive ha,ha!” And then they think of the light and their hearts desires, and they are inclined to this way, this path, but again the negative will pull at their souls.

And this is how it is with life, for each and every one of you, you have a choice and the more you look to the light the more academically minded you will become, but the more you look to the negative the more you will sink into their ways and find yourself at the bottom of the class spiritually.

So we encourage you, don’t listen to the fool that will tell you of the negative things, be wise, and if you are standing in the middle ground at this time, then we would hope you would listen to these words and look to the light. For there is no shame to say that you believe in the greater and supreme being who created all, there is no shame to say that you believe in spirit and that you would walk the path of light willingly and with a loving heart.

Ridicule may be passed your way, but you have to learn to accept this, because this is the way that they will torment you. Look to the light, and for those that ridicule you, allow those words to fall upon deaf ears, for there is nothing they can do to convince you of anything else, and they know this, they know their strength is weak within the light. Yes we speak in terms of light and dark, positive and negative, and these are natural things within your world.

You look to electricity, you have the positive terminal, you have the negative terminal and you have the earth terminal, exactly the same things, the points of energy. The positive is that of life and the charge that which brings energy. The negative is that return, and the earth is, well do I need to explain? This is a safety line by which you are saved. So which would you choose? The positive or the negative? For the earth is always there for you to be grounded and saved from yourselves.

Hmm, inspiring words we think, many might think what it is this man talking about? But his words are given to him through his mind of focus at this time.

And Sally you might agree with this! She listens quietly with her positive thoughts and feedback.

Lessons will be given to all who would ask of us.

Commit your minds to a positive way of living, have focus that your lives may be lived to the full, not with the wants and needs of the greedy man or the powerful, but with that of purpose in mind of the light and of being part of something much wiser and stronger.

Your paths are greeted many times with a negative outlook, but short-circuit these, bypass their thoughts and continue upon the positive way that will bring you hope and glory in due course.

Greetings to you all this evening and blessings to those in need.

New speaker

Maps of Life

Topography, hmm, now there’s an interesting subject and we speak of maps for those who do not understand the word, and we do not mean to belittle you by saying this. The maps are within your mind, and you walk these paths as we have spoken of, and it is mapped out within your spirit and within your soul.

The school of learning within the heavens has taught you much of life and if you like, this is the practical of the exam. Your education was great and was there to further your soul that you might learn a different way, or to understand that of others. And as you progress through the grades of life, do not forget this learning which lays dormant within your minds and yet can be accessed at any time. And we speak of this knowledge, that some of your earth would call …. hmm, hmm … The word escapes this man. We shall call it the school of life, and you may not accept this as being facts, but you are mapped out in such a way that you would follow the directions given, and those that have learnt their lesson well would know of this and karma would be given.

And the knowledge of life is given within the light, and will not be obstructed by those school playground bullies. Those of the negative, we reject them and we tell them that we are stronger than them and we will follow these paths, this map of life. There is much to be said for those who stay true to their guidance and the teaching given, and we remind you through these words, these many words, of these things. We are the teachers of spirit, the teachers of life, the ones that guide your lives and walk with you upon your pastures of time.

And the book of knowledge is accessible at any time, you have but to ask. It is not of the physical, men search for these things, for this great novel that would teach you about life and death and all of spirit, it does not exist in the physical form.

Parable of ‘The Cloud’

You have what you call ‘The Cloud’ many will recognise this as being an imaginary place where all your information is stored, and yes, we know these things, don’t forget we are the wise and we understand the many things given. And this knowledge is stored within the spiritual ‘Cloud’ and is accessible as your computers would access the cloud of imagination. You can look at it as a server, much the same as your world, and this server can be accessed by all.

Do not act as if it does not exist or say to yourselves there is no such thing.

Have you ever wondered why certain men of your earth have led what you would deem as ‘privileged lives’? Their ideas are sparked by a thought. And they don’t necessarily understand why they think these things, or where these thoughts come from, but they know they are there, and they act upon them, because they have trust in what is told to them. They are accessing this vast knowledge held within this server, within the ‘Spiritual Cloud’, and they would not tell you this, they would say that it is their mind and that they are wired in a specific way that they should help others, and through their inventions and creations so they do. But still they will not acknowledge these things.

Nostradamus and Einstein

One understood, one understood only too well, Nostradamus we have spoken of, and he gave you knowledge of the future, just as this man would sometimes tell you of things through his teachings of things to come. Do not doubt the words for the evidence is there should you look.

Another, Einstein a man of your time he also had a deep belief in the karmic knowledge that exists around your physical being, and he used this with wisdom. Don’t believe us? It is written. He had the belief and faith, trust in spirit and his knowledge was great. And others will come to guide your world should you allow them a thought.

And so children, we come to the end of another lesson this evening and you must think about these words, upon these words, for there is much truth held within.

Meditation to Access Knowledge

Your hearts might soar at the prospect of being able to connect with these things and we will tell you this, that to sit in the quiet, to put your conscious mind to one side is a great way of accessing this knowledge, for it is great.
The thoughts will flow through your mind as it does with this being, and you will possibly block them and think, “Well, it’s just my imagination.” But those that act upon this knowledge become great men, great leaders, poets, artists, all the same, they all access this knowledge and they have created ways that cannot be accessed by all. Try it for yourselves, sit in the quiet and allow your thoughts of your daily routines to pass you by. Think of nothing else other than that of focus.

Easy for you to say, you might think, “I have tried, my mind works constantly.” And yes it will, much misunderstanding, much knowledge to be gained by practice, patience and time.

And we will leave you this evening with these thoughts, and although the words are not there within this man’s mind to explain fully the many things, we do not hold this against him, or any other man whose knowledge is lacking. For in his heart he knows this truth was spoken, and you may find words to explain the things that he lacks knowledge of at this time. But there are many words, it is your faith and trust that count, that other things that matter. We don’t have to label everything, for our own senses and mind will know the truth of what is spoken.

And we will leave you this evening and we will grant you peace and hope that you may focus as the students of spirit and bring yourselves many honours within your lives, not of possession, of money or material things, but within the way of love and caring, emotion, sensitivity to others, these are lessons to be taught, these are the lessons to be learnt.

God bless you.

New speaker

Circle of Light

Natural things are spoken of, and we would ask you to heed the words given for we speak in circle tonight. And we sit on this side of life as a circle of beings of light, and we look to you through our focus, because it is our purpose to guide, and we too have focus as you have been asked to do. We sit in circle because the circle represents the never-ending sequence of energy and light, for all will come full circle within due course, and once more will progress around that same circle.

This man sees us as a circle of light, he sees beings, not clearly, but they are there. And in the centre of the circle where this radiant light meets, there is a beam, and there are many circles sit as this. Many guides that sit within these circles and this beam that is created by the circle of light is directed at the individual, and yes there are many. And like the cables that your power are sent through, they are invisible to your eyes.

There have been those that have claimed to have seen this cord and they possibly do, but for the most part you are unaware of this until the moment of your passing, when you are whisked back through that which you call the ‘tunnel of light’. And this tunnel is that cable which is created at point of focus and you return back through that.

To explain further would be not appropriate at this time, but imagine these things if you will, of us sitting in circle directing this light of energy to you giving you the force to continue on. And our will is strong for you and we bring you hope.

Blessings to you all creatures of Earth, children of spirit.


New speaker

Purposely we have spoken of many things this evening in the hope that a little understanding may be brought. Do not be at a loss to understand these things, listen to your heart, to that little voice in the back of your head, for the truth will be given.


02-01-19 Satellites, Space Junk, Starships of Earth, Romanies, Political Events, E.T. from Afar, Things to Come etc

Transcript 2nd January 2019

Greetings my friends. Welcome, as Sagittarius rises in the northern sky, be blessed in the knowledge that your purpose is good. Commit your mind to the purpose given, allow not the interruptions of life or thought to conquer your emotions this evening.

It has been a while since we have spoken, your purpose is good and we foresee an outcome, an outcome of inspiration for others. Help us to inspire you further and coax your mind into the nether regions of the world beyond yours. Continue reading “02-01-19 Satellites, Space Junk, Starships of Earth, Romanies, Political Events, E.T. from Afar, Things to Come etc”

24-11-16 The Divine Feminine, Churchill, Beings Beneath the Oceans, Beings of the Dark etc

24th November 2016

Be blessed for who you are and for those who surround your world in a circle of light, bringing tidings this evening to welcome you to the world of spirit, upon which you will return as children of the light. Be blessed in the knowledge that the saviour will greet all those who have a care for one another. His magic illuminates the skies and stars above you. May God bring you peace and countenance upon your souls as you go about your daily lives. Practicing in the worship of the light to those who have not heard or understood the meaning of their lives, we would like to greet them with a welcome and warmth of love. Continue reading “24-11-16 The Divine Feminine, Churchill, Beings Beneath the Oceans, Beings of the Dark etc”

23-10-16 Awakened Minds of the Youth and New Beginnings, Betty Grable, Thomas Jefferson etc

23rd October 2016

We are the forefathers of your world. We are that of the light, being of the Lord who walks with you at a pace. Be guided by the light that emerges before you. Together we must fight with a practice of love. Those of intolerance, who will become obvious in the next weeks, testing in the air is banished from authority. Never allow this disgrace to become a measure of intolerance, but drive your thoughts with purpose of peace and love for each other.

Whispers in your ear are frequently heard by those who make a commitment to the pastures green and the new era to come. Let us take your hands and cherish the moments that have been throughout your lives. Muster your thoughts once more my children, to bring a purpose of peace to those upon the earth, helping them aspire to reach the goal of true love within their circles of light. Continue reading “23-10-16 Awakened Minds of the Youth and New Beginnings, Betty Grable, Thomas Jefferson etc”

22-09-16 Merlin, Churchill, Pamela, NASA, Butterflies and Bees etc

22nd September 2016

As we sit with you this evening have a thought for those in anguish at this time, for their peril is great, their need is enormous of the love of mankind. Many notions of war are but a feeble excuse to combat fear. Ring out the changes, let them know that your love encompasses the regions of the earth.

We are masters of the light who wish to help you come to terms with the situation developing in the Nigeria of your world. It stems from their the evil of money that funds those of intolerance. Continue reading “22-09-16 Merlin, Churchill, Pamela, NASA, Butterflies and Bees etc”

17-08-16 Trance Evening in Cornwall


Conscious are we of your thoughts. Your memories of life, of your abilities in the paths that you tread in your lives, we are happy to see so many of focus gathered in one place tonight. Your tears and memories are needed for your life’s purpose, they seem harsh. But they are part of learning. We have need of you all, become one with that of the light. This man who sits tonight helps us in ways, he endures with tasks of love, allowing his mind to become one with the universe. We hear the cynicism of minds. We do not guarantee the life on your earth as being that of a fruitful life, but be assured if you follow your path’s with a measure of love to yourself and neighbours, your friends and loved ones, it will become obvious to you of your purpose. Why have we seen so many souls depart with questions upon their minds? Knowledge of us has become frayed with doubt and they have issues to resolve. It comes as shock to them to see beyond their life what lays before them. It is not for them to know everything, but to rejoice in their rising into a new being. Complimentary we are, to all those of purpose who live their lives in their souls intent. Many times we have told you your lives are set before your life, you come to the places that you are with your own desires to learn. Never be ashamed of who you are, but speak of the light and the angels that surround you, for they are as real as you, as your being. It is a wondrous thing to know that so many watch over you and yet so many are unaware. Create possibilities in your lives to help them, to bring them focus in need of love and light. Continue reading “17-08-16 Trance Evening in Cornwall”

11-08-16 More Maths, Winston, Time etc


Know he is my friend. Once more we meet to bring the words of wisdom to the many upon your planet. Be not afraid as we draw near to your platform. Allow us to intercede with your mind and bring the messages for the many.

We are a nation of beings who practice worship of the Lord within our own boundaries of life. We have no negative aspects but positive affirmation that we come in peace, to proclaim our presence upon your earth, to assist in a manner respectful of the Lord. You have a purpose to fulfil to the many in your world, but be careful not to allow your status to overshadow your purpose my son, for we wish only to assist.

Continue reading “11-08-16 More Maths, Winston, Time etc”

26-07-16 Dogs, Rouen, A message from Jesus?


We see no reason not to enlighten you of the things to come. With your purpose your mind is becoming focused, gathering strength. Your abilities grow, as your passion grows in earnest to assist in ways of spirit in your world.

Dogs are your passion, they are loyal companions their blessings are many, but fools teach them tricks with disastrous results, they are shameful, for animals should not be taught in the ways of man to harm or injure. They are the loyal shepherds of man, hard to imagine that such a beast could do so much damage and also be a loyal friend and companion. But know this, that all creatures of the earth are of a gentle nature. Their nature is that of preservation, in the wild they will slaughter their prey and dispatch them quickly, for they know their purpose in life is part of a chain upon which you are a member. Each feasts upon the other, bringing that chain full circle. Continue reading “26-07-16 Dogs, Rouen, A message from Jesus?”